Part 27

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Betty POV

Jughead basically avoided me the whole time we were at school and when he did see me, he didn't acknowledge I was there. I was a little confused but I didn't care enough about it to try and talk to him. When the final bell rang I walked out of the building to see it was pouring. I sighed knowing I would have to walk home because I didn't have my car with me. I started my way back to my house and I was soaking wet and shivering in seconds. I held my arms to try and create more body heat but I wasn't doing too well.

I heard a car slow down right behind me, and I looked to the side to see Jugheads car and him rolling down his window. J-"come on, get it." He said sounding a little annoyed before rolling his window back up. I quickly made my way around the car and got in the passengers seat. B-"thanks" I mumbled out. He didn't say anything, keeping his focus on the flooding roads. When he finally accepted that he couldn't see anything out of the front window, he pulled into a large empty parking lot, and parked the car.

We sat in a silence for a moment listening to the pattering of the rain against the windows, before I finally spoke up. B-"are you mad at me?" He waited a long moment before he finally responded J-"no."
B-"is there a reason why you've been ignoring me?"
J-"like you've said, it's a public thing." B-"but-"
J-"Elizabeth stop talking." B-"you have no rig-" he cut me off by pulling me into the most passionate kiss I've ever experienced. I kissed back with the same amount of lust and passion.

He wrapped his hand into my hair and I moaned making him pull away. J-"fuck." He muttered grabbing my waist and pulling me over to his lap. We started making out again, my arms around his neck and his hands digging into my hips. I started grinding lightly into him. He helped me move against his lap with his hands and I pulled apart from the kiss to lean my head back. I moaned lightly when I felt him start kissing up my neck. J-"you're so gorgeous." He groaned against my skin, which made me start moving harder against him.

B-"fuck jug" I moaned lightly. J-"good girl, moaning my name." He praised and I almost came undone right there but his hands stopped me. I looked back at him with a small pout on my face. J-"look at that, it stopped raining. Better get you home now, don't want mommy dearest worrying about you." He said making me roll my eyes and go back to the passenger seat. J-"I saw that." He started driving out of the parking lot and I just rested my head on the door, a little embarrassed as I thought back to what just happened.

J-"what's the blush for?" He asked and I became even more embarrassed. B-"I was thinking about one of the footballers" I sighed dreamily and looked over at Jughead. J-"oh I bet." He said with a smirk on his face. My lovey smile dropped and I slumped back in the seat of the car. He pulled into my driveway and unlocked the doors. J-"here you go" he said while I grabbed my backpack from the spot in front of me on the floor. B-"thank you." I said much quieter than I meant. I closed the door and he rolled the window as he was pulling out. J-"I'll pick you up tomorrow morning." He said to me before driving off and before I could protest in any way.

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