• chapter 14 •

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As the Coach finally signalled us to move out, I saw Yamaguchi from a far talking to Shimada-san with determination on his face.

I see, he finally found it

I smiled at the sight I saw when I turned around and bumped into someone tall.

"Uwah! Ow!"

"Oh, sorry. I didn't see you"

I looked up and saw Tsukishima looking at me when I heard 'a word' that I found very rare in his dictionary.

"Wait, did you just said sorry?"

"No I said, you're so small I didn't see you"

I got ticked marks on my head when he suddenly grabbed my arm making me flinch as he looked at my palm.


I looked at him, flustered but a bit of embarassed since he needs to lean down so he can reach my hand that had a tape on my pinky.

"Your hand, what happened to your pinky?"

"Ah, it got sprained when I tried to block Asahi-san's powerful spike but it's not that serious. Please don't tell anymore to the coach"

He straightened up and stared at me with a scowl, still not letting go of my hand.

"And you didn't let it rest after? You still continued to play even you have a sprained finger?"

"I-I did rest it when we had timeout but I didn't want you guys to worry..it's really fine hehe"

I ruffled my hair on the back as Tsukishima sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Did you put ice on it?"


"Does it still hurt?"

"Nope..not anymore"

I shook my head while peeking at Tsukishima's reaction. He looks really concerned and worried about me, just like before...

"Next time, if you have an injury sit out on the bench"


Then he let go of my hand but I'm still worrying if he'll tell to the others.

"Are you gonna tell it to them?"

"Of course. They need to know it for tomorrow's match"

Tsukishima was about to walk away towards now the Coach and Sensei who are now walking out of the gym when I immediately wrapped my short arms on his waist and stopped him.

"P-Please no..!"

I whisper shouted so the others won't started to get alarmed when he looked at me in annoyance and tried to get away.

"What the- what do you think you're doing shrimpy"

"Stopping you! I already told you my pinky is fine! It's just one finger!"

I continue to look at the others to see if they see us as I continue to try and keep my feet on the ground to stop Tsukishima when it came to stop and I looked at him as he turned around to face me.

"Okay, what do I get in return?"


"If I didn't tell the Coach and Sensei about your finger, what do I get in return?"

I didn't expected that but I guess you would expect it if it's Tsukishima.

"What do you want?"


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