• chapter 5 •

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"Goodmorning Captain!!!"

"O-Oh..Goodmorning Hinata"

I waved happily at Daichi-san then I went back on my leg stretching getting excited to play a practice match with these guys.

"What happened to Hinata?"

"Well..I don't know, but it looks like they've accomplished something today"

Sugawara smiled while his hand is on his waist and the other players too who's participating started to prep.

"Okay okay! We'll be playing like a normal 3 set match. Whoever gets first the 2 sets wins"

Everyone nodded as we all went into our positions when I noticed Tsukishima glancing at me.

I stopped to let him speak on what he wanted to say but he just looked away and went to the other side of the net.

I'm still having my worries about him knowing that I came from the future but I decided to think about that later and focus more on the match, Kageyama's future is in this too.




Third Person POV



Tanaka almost crushed Tsukishima with his amazing force.


Tanaka started to celebrate as if he scored the final point but he's just very hype and the match just started.

Tanaka is the one who do the attacking while Hinata is still on the receiving. 

Hinata is eyeing Kageyama but the blueberry was just focused on finding the perfect timing to pull off what they've practiced for the last minute.

"Ara, where's that king's toss that I want to see? Won't you use this shrimpy here?"

Kageyama flinched at the nickname when Tanaka is having it on Tsukishima.

"Oi, you really need to watch your mouth"

Tanaka and Hinata glared at Tsukishima when he looked at the tangerine for a second and shrugged.

"I guess with a height like that, you pretty much can only do receiving right?"

When all of a sudden, Tanaka burst into laughter that startled the others especially Hinata.

"Ah! Ahahahaha! Who says Hinata can only do receiving?"

He crossed his arms and looked at Hinata with a smug on his face.

"I guess he hasn't seen yet your true skills Hinata"

Hinata looked surprised for a second but then he smirked at Tanaka and then to Tsukishima.

"Let's confirm what you said, okay?"

Hinata raised his eyebrows at Tsukishima while having a smile on his face that made the beanpole frown.

It's just the start of the set so we don't need to hurry, but that doesn't mean we're not taking this seriously.




"Nice receive!"

Hinata shouted at Tanaka as he already did his run-approach and already jumped in the air that made the others' mouth agape at his vertical jump.

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