• chapter 4 •

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Yeah I said that I wanted to enjoy it but this guy is really harsh on me. Calling me lousy, crap, dumbass while practicing, both my mental and physical where being drained by him!

"You know Kageyama, you've been only doing Hinata receiving"

"Yeah dude, why don't you try on doing his spiking skills too he had an amazing jumping ability right?-"

"It's fine Tanaka-san"

I wiped the sweat on my face and proceeded to lower down my waist again as I positioned myself in receiving.

"It's been a while since I've been pushed like this in receiving"

I grinned when the 2 of them sweatdropped at my comment while Kageyama just frowned at me.

"Is he..a masochist?-"

Sugawara-san immediately smacked Tanaka-san while I continue on the other hand on receiving his spikes that my arm is on the shade of red now, not pink anymore.

"Ah! Yabai! Clear the evidence!"

Tanaka-san shouted as we noticed that the time already came and Daichi-san is gonna come too.

I'm not feeling tired as I expected I would be since this old body mine doesn't even did proper exercise before other than running.

Thankfully, I decided to do fundamental trainings that I learned when I was a pro that my body is starting to adjust in my skills.

While clearing the evidence, I noticed Kageyama was staring at me.

"Mm? What is it?"


"Eh? You've been staring at me yet you can't face to tell me what you're gonna say. Are you backing down Kageyama-kun???"

I teased him while grinning at him when his hand teleported to my head and he started to grip my hair so hard.

"Itai itai!! Senpais! Help!!!"

I looked around for help but the others just gave me a thumbs up since they've been busy cleaning the gym and don't want to get caught in Kageyama's dark aura.

Got betrayed in an instant.

I have comical tears in my eyes when Kageyama finally decided to let me go.

What the hell is his problem?

I glanced at him and he still had that scowl on his face. 




"*Sighs* Finally lunch time"

I got off on my seat when I saw Sugawara-san waiting for me outside.


"Hey Hinata, do you want to play with me for a bit?"

I smiled happily and nodded at him as we went to the field near the gymnasium.

"Hey Hinata, do you want me to toss for you later?"

Uwahhh! Sugawara-san's toss!

"Sure sure! I am excited to spike your awesome toss agai- Sugawara-san!"

Sugawara-san relaxed a smile at me while scratching the side of his face.

"You know, I'm the official setter of Karasuno so you can count on me as well"

I suddenly became sad since I know that Kageyama will be the official setter after the match.

When an idea came to my mind and looked at Sugawara-san with excitement.

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