chapter 18-war

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"the prince is gone and now the princess. Take her" thier king said more like command. "she's pregnant king"One of his man said
"then what are you gonna do about that? Huh take her now you motherfucker before I kill you" The man follow her more closer but bts still being cautious since everyone know y/n the mafia princess is with bts right bow


Leader:"take the princess and kill the bangtan if they interrupt you"

Man1:" yes sir"


Queen:"take her. Now I have to plan about my lil brother marriage. I will take her money all of it. After my brother get to be the king, I will kill that women and kill my brother"

Girl:"yes miss Queen"

Also the other groups chase them. Y/n hiding in bts mansion in the security room. RM and bts members fight all of them.

RM kick the guy on his stomach then he fall behind and got caught by one of black eagle team. Suga shot the black diamond queen and one of them is protect the queen.

Jimin got shot by one of the black diamond team. He kick that girl in her stomach and pick her up only to cut her neck. Jin was on the outside of the house with suga, use machine gun to kill all of the mafia people.

Meanwhile suga on the roof top with a few of Namjoon man shoot the person that almost get into the house. He run out the bullet. He went into his room and take a few gun also samurai sword. "you guys are so annoying 😤"

He stab Taeyong on his stomach and then cut his head of, shoot xiaojun on his head, turn around to cut lucas head and shot jeno.

V fight with one of nct members from black eagle team with bare hands. He got a few cut probably hurt but it doesn't seem to bother him. Ten stab jimin from behind causing him to have a blood.

Jimin shot ten on his head and fall on the couch. One of the medic team pick him up and bring him into the basement in the treatment room.

RM killing and stabbing all of the enemy without having mercy towards them. Everyone in the mansion already dead. They went outside only to help jin, hobi and jungkook. He have a few cut but kept fighting.

Jungkook:" I don't know what you guys think but she have her own king!"

He shot that guy on the head. Mean while y/n in the basement struggling with her bump and her water already break causing blood to fall down on her leg.

One of the medic guy took jimin to the treatment room is take a look on y/n. He went upstairs and find jin."she's gonna giving birth" the guy yell at jin "now?!" Jin ask him while shooting people. "yeah what are we gonna do"

"jungkook and V went to the treatment room and take the baby out now!" He told V and jungkook beside him. " but we doesn't know how!"

"take this walkie talkies and I will give the command to you guys" he push them away while cover them Both of them nod and leave to the treatment room saw y/n on the treatment bed with blood on her leg. "tell me now"

" okay now take the hot water put in the some thing that can carry it."

"I will take the hot water" jungkook find big bucket in the bathroom and fill in with hot water. "then"

"open her leg" he stop "okay then?"

"did you saw the baby head"

*Boom* bomb*
*Tutututututututu* machine gun*
*Screaming* people*

"yes I saw it what's next?"

"if the baby head is out, hold his head slowly like you carry something that could break in any weight it got"

"oh my God. I saw the face"

"okay now take a towel and scissors. Cut the baby's umbilical cord after pulling it out of the y/n. "


"Take the towel and soak it in the hot water. Then squeeze and wipe the blood that has spilled onto the feet and also the skin.

"what about the baby"

" did you already cut the baby umbilical cord?"

"yeah and he save"

*Crying* baby*

"okay bring the baby to the bathroom and wash him up slowly. Do not put the hot water. Wash him with the warm water and then bring the baby into y/n's room. Find the diaper that suga bought it. Dress and wrap him in the blanket that is on the bed. "


"bring the baby to y/n then Tell her to lie on the patient's bed until I come."

V took the baby to meet y/n and she crying over the happiness that she got from the baby. It was baby girl.

After the situation calmed down, Jin and the others went into the house. They saw Namjoon sat on the couch with pale skin

"you're okay hyung" jungkook ask namjoon "no. I got shot and a few cut" he pointed at it "don't worry. Everything is gonna be fine."

"but I need to tell you something"

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