chapter 10-researched

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JIMIN p.o.v

Me and jungkook in our laboratory to make a cure for Namjoon. me and jungkook went into an underground lab to do a study on brain washing.

Suga hyung said, Namjoon hyung went to america to train to be the best mafia after suga hyung's family was killed.Maybe that could be a clue to our question.

Maybe Namjoon hyung's uncle used something to control Namjoon hyung's mind at that time. But what is weird until now Namjoon hyung always takes one pill which can be Brain wash pill

How do I know about this? Maybe I always do research on brain washing from the internet and also do research on street cats that roam in front of my house first

I took namjoon hyung's blood when he was tied up by suga hyung and jin hyung for research purposes.


me and V in our weapons laboratory to make a new weapons and also upgrade the old one. "hyung, about Namjoon hyung, what will happen to him if he take the dose from jungkook and jimin?" He spoke up while checking our weapon

"I don't know how to answer your question but I'll try. He will back to his senses and we have to leak his secret" he look at me confusion "what secret?"

"secret between him and his uncle. We trained with his uncle too but we're still have mercy on women and girls" jin hyung said. Also this guy really make me feel goosebumps everytime he came out from nowhere.

I nod as completely agree. "he also take a some kind of pill" I wonder how he do that"what pill?"

"I don't know, but the pill was the red one" hobi told me as I put down my gun "in this world never have a red color pill. I never see it before" I totally agreed to V

"well here. I take this from his room just now" how ? "bring it to jimin and jungkook" He leave to research laboratory with hobi. Now we have to make a demonstration to this thing. A new weapons.


I follow jin hyung to the research laboratory under the weapons laboratory. "what's bring you guys here?" I saw jimin in his some kind of suit

Jin hyung put the sample of the pill that Namjoon take and jungkook make an analysis towards that pill. "it's just a normal medicine" he nod his head "what was that?"

"sleeping pills for insomnia." He state " what's the ingredients?" Suddenly he look at us in sorry "sorry guys."

"what?" Jin hyung ask him "It was some kind of drug. But I never see this drug until now" Jimin push jungkook only to see the pill under the microscope.

"why did he take this pill?" He totally whisper under his breath. "what?" He look at him hyung "hyung can yo-" he stop I look at jin hyung "this?" He show the bottle of pill. Jimin nod. How did he know?

*Peel the sticker*

Jimin:"as what I think. It's mine!"


Jimin:"a few years before Namjoon hyung burn my house and acting innocently, I make a brain washing pill. That will make people forget about their past. That's why Namjoon never listen to us and keep saying 'you guys never listen to my command' this pill, he take this pill every night. That's why he being jerk all this time."

Hobi:"woah, to much information"

Jungkook:"how do you know that Namjoon hyung is the one who burn your house? Isn't it was accidents?"

Jimin:"I read those file before burn it last time."

Hobi:"what kind of file?"

Jimin:"our past story. He record everything in the file including our bio-data. That's why he always there every time one of us lost our parents. It was him!" He Walk out with knife in his hand. He completely angry tight now. Suga hyung and V block his way.

"well, not now. Maybe he have another reason as you said he took that pill then of course he forget everything" jimin nod and put the knife on the table. "Namjoon live is mine" he said in dark tone. "No we can't" I said. They all nod

"it's time for dinner. Wait. Where is y/n?" Jin hyung said while looking for y/n. "I just saw her eat something in the kitchen"

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