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April 22nd Wayne-Kent House 12:45
Damian was downstairs playing with the twins on the play mat when the doorbell rang he got up and answered it to find Helena and Zack at the door.

"What a surprise" Damian stated

"No need to sound so cold brother" Helena said walking in

"Sure come on in" Damian said

"So how've you been" Helena asked

"Fine why do you ask" Damian replied

"Because you haven't been in contact with any of us in awhile" Helena said

"People worry" Zack said

"Well I've called Grayson and Father a few times and I haven't felt the need to talk with you" Damian stated

"Well you missed the great news" Zack stated

"Hmm let me guess your getting married" Damian replied

"How" Zack asked

"The ring, its obvious" Damian answered

"Way to ruin a surprise" Helena stated

"And there's more" Zack said

"Don't say anything" Helena said

"Fine" Damian replied

"First where's Jon" Helena asked

"I'm the bathroom, let me check on him he's been in there for a while watch them" Damian replied

Damian walked up the stairs and knocked on the door, there wasn't an answer so he opened the door and found Jon just sitting there.

"Beloved, what's wrong" Damian asked

"Nothing" Jon replied looking up

"Beloved I know when you're lying to me" Damian stated

"Who was at the door" Jon asked changing the subject

"Helena and Zack, now back to why you look like your elsewhere and not here" Damian replied

"Later" Jon said

"No now" Damian replied

"You know how we said we would kinda wait to have another child, we'll the waiting is done" Jon said showing a pregnancy test

"Beloved this is surprising but great" Damian said kissing him

"I know but are we ready" Jon asked

"My love it's me and you we can handle anything and everything" Damian answered

"Okay let's go talk to your sister and her boyfriend" Jon stated

"Fiancé" Damian replied

"Really, has it been that long since we talked to them" Jon questioned

"Yes" Damian answered

"Well should I act surprised" Jon questioned

"If you want, they also have more news. I think Helena is pregnant" Damian stated

"Why because I am and they are getting married" Jon asked

"No because she's either pregnant or just getting fat" Damian replied

"Please tell me you didn't say anything" Jon exclaimed

"I didn't she told me to shut it in case I ruined the surprise" Damian said

"Well if she is act surprised and if she isn't don't call her fat" Jon warned

"Anything for you" Damian replied

They left the bathroom and headed downstairs to where Helena and Zack were sitting on the couch while the twins played.

"Hey Jon" Zack said

"Hi" Jon replied

"So what is this news" Damian asked

"We are also having a baby as well as getting married" Helena said

"I told you" Damian said to Jon

"That's wonderful news" Jon exclaimed ignoring his husband

"You're the first to find out so don't tell anyone" Zack said

After Zack said that Jon turned and looked at Damian

"Go ahead" Damian said

"What's happening" Helena asked

"Funnily enough we just found out that we are expecting as well" Jon replied

"What really oh my god this is the best news ever" Helena said standing and hugging Jon

"This is actually going to be great, our kids bring the same age having someone to play with" Zack said

"Yeah so great as long as we don't have twins again, I do love them to death but never again" Damian said

"Dami" Jon exclaimed

"You want twins again" Damian questioned

"No, but don't jinx it" Jon stated

"You two are hilarious" Helena said

"Now we have to be going, more people to tell" Zack said

"Well it was good to see you two, we should meet up more often" Jon said

"We should and no more long periods without talking, best friends are supposed to talk every day" Helena said

"Goodbye sister" Damian said hugging her

"See you guys soon" Zack said as they left the house

"Now that they are gone, you can do what you been waiting to do" Damian said

Jon turned to Damian and hugged him before jumping around with joy and screaming which caused the twins to look at him confused.

"Done" Damian asked

"I think so, I don't know why I was so worried. We are having another baby" Jon cheered jumping on his Alpha

"Okay I'm not a tree no need to be jumping all over me, but I'm happy too" Damian said kissing him

"Did you hear that you two your going to be older siblings" Jon said kneeling beside them

"Dada" Elinor said making grabby hands

"You want up" Jon asked

Elinor just nodded and Jon picked her up while Damian grabbed Thomas

"Are you excited to have a new sibling" Damian asked bouncing him

"They can only say three words, yes, no and Dada and they don't know how to answer properly" Jon replied

"This is going to be great, except for you becoming a watermelon again and getting all needy" Damian said

"You better hope I don't get moody or your life will be hell on Earth" Jon said

"Wait you can be moodier then you are now" Damian questioned trying not to laugh

"I hate you" Jon said

"No you don't" Damian replied

"Shut up" Jon said

"No one could hate someone as cute as me" Damian said

"No, no they couldn't" Jon said bouncing Elinor in his lap

"Now then it's lunch time for these two I'll leave them in your care and make lunch" Damian said

"Okay knock yourself out" Jon stated kissing him

Damian got up off the couch and sat Thomas beside Jon while he got up and walked into the kitchen. He got the twins their lunch and then returned to them and Jon. Himself and Jon then fed the twins while watching the TV and talking.

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