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March 26th Gotham Cathedral 12:45
Lois and Selina were sitting with the twins while everyone began arriving, there was a low level chatter in the air as the guests filed in. Tim and Kon were handing out the booklets at the door, that was until the special guests arrived. Kon continued to do what he was doing and Tim followed Damian's ordered to sit Talia, Athanasia and Ra's down the back.

"Boy you must be foolish we are family, we belong at the front" Ra's boomed

"Sorry no can do these seats were specially picked for you three" Tim said

"I demand to see my son right away and have this problem rectified" Talia demanded

"You know he's kind of busy so he can't help" Jason said butting in

"Hey the two dummies are on guard duty" Athanasia stated

"Listen here I'm not above hitting you in a church" Jason threatened

"Calm down Todd, I have a second speak Mother" Damian stated

"We belong up the front" Talia said

"No, no you don't all of you are only here because I didn't want you to miss a joyous moment where I am happy without you. You belong down here" Damian replied

"I am your mother, I belong where your stepmother is sitting" Talia spat

"Ohh just shut up, you're welcome to leave if this is such a big problem" Damian sighed

"Damian you will move us this instant" Ra's ordered

"You only going to ruin this day for Kent now if you want to be moved I believe there is a cosy seat out with the trash cans down the alley across the road" Damian replied walking away

"Damian honey one more thing, congratulations" Talia said

"Thanks" Damian replied

"Also blue isn't your colour take the stupid tie off" Athanasia exclaimed

"It's not mine but it's Jon's, so shut up or you are out" Damian spat

"Damian go take a breath, I'll take it from here" Bruce said after arriving because of the commotion

"Father" Athanasia acknowledged

"Tim, Jason give us a minute" Bruce said

"Yeah sure" Jason replied walking with Tim

"Could you three not just pretend to be happy for him this once, could you not just let him have his day without ruining it" Bruce asked

"We have not ruined it" Ra's replied

"Well you're not making it any better so start acting properly or Damian will be the least of your worries" Bruce warned

"Bruce do you think there is any chance we could move to the front" Talia asked

"No you'd have to go to Damian or Jon but Jon isn't here yet so you're left with Damian" Bruce replied

"Also one last itty bitty thing is there any chance at all I will get to meet my grandchildren" Talia asked

"I don't know, all I know is that I wouldn't have allowed you in the same building as them if you were my mother after the stunt you pulled when we found out" Bruce replied

"I'll take that as a maybe" Talia smirked

"Now remember what I said do NOT ruin their day" Bruce warned walking away

A few minutes later the chatter stopped as Lois left the building only to come back in as music began playing and she walked in with Jon heading towards the altar, Damian wore a black suit with a sapphire blue tie to match Jon's eyes while Jon wore the same except for a jade green tie to match Damian's eyes.

The ceremony began and they said their vows and it was over before they knew and all that went through Jon's head was, all that planning for a ceremony that last about two hours. They took pictures outside before heading to the Manor for the reception. Everyone took their seats ate food and speeches were said before as Cassie called it 'The Real Fun' began, which started when the music began playing.

"May I have this dance" Damian asked holding out his hand

"You can but I should warn you, when it comes to dancing I have two left feet" Jon stated

"Just let me lead and you follow" Damian said

"Okay then" Jon said following him to the dance floor

"Kent I don't know how but I love you even more now" Damian stated

"And I you" Jon replied leaning his head on his shoulder

"I don't think today could have been any better" Damian exclaimed

"Not even what happened with your family before the ceremony" Jon stated

"How do you?" Damian started

"Tim told me" Jon replied

"Well they left after my Mother got to see the twins" Damian stated

"Speaking of our bundles of joy where are they" Jon asked as they swayed

"Your Mother took them up to the room so they could sleep" Damian answered

"Hmm you still smell nice" Jon said nuzzling into him

"Why are you smelling me while we are dancing" Damian asked jokingly

"I don't know, but I think it's time we let the faster music begin playing before Cassie loses her mind over there" Jon replied

"I agree but let's take the long way to get to the DJ" Damian exclaimed

When the more upbeat music started playing the crazier guests such as Steph, Cass, Cassie, Gar and Lara started a mosh pit in the middle of the dance floor and somehow managed to drag Bruce and Damian into it against their will. After a while Damian and Jon decided to relieve Lois of her duties and went up to their room and got into the bed as the twins slept in their cots at the foot of the bed.

"Have you decided about the honeymoon like when it's happening and if we are bringing them" Jon asked

"We'll kind of, if we bring them I'm suggesting we take the Wayne Private Jet in case they cry and attract attention and we will get to our destination faster" Damian stated

"So we are bringing them because I can't stand the thought of leaving them here without us for that long" Jon said

"Yes we are bring bing them" Damian replied kissing him

Jon cuddled up beside Damian and lay his head in the nape of Damian's neck. Damian wrapped his arm around Jon and held him close until they both fell asleep in each other's arms and miraculously they slept through the night without the twins waking up.

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