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October 31st Metropolis Park 21:30
It was Halloween night and most teens from the school were in the park attending a party that was organised by the jocks and cheerleaders and everyone was invited but some of the students mainly Omegas didn't attend out of fear of what the meaner of the Alphas would do. Jon unlike others attended the party with Helena, Lara and Cassie. They were standing around with others and watched as Damian and Conor Queen lit a giant bonfire in the middle of the park.

"What the hell are they doing" Helena asked in shock

"Isn't that like illegal" Cassie stated

"Pretty sure it is" Tai stated

"Should we, and by we I mean you Helena, try to stop them" Jon asked

"I'll try" Helena replied

Helena began walking towards her brother until she felt a hand on her chest that stopped her from walking and she followed the arm to find Athanasia

"Hello sister" Athanasia stated

"Get your hand off of me" Helena replied

"I was just stopping you to talk" Athanasia smiled

"Well we talked, now I need to talk to our idiot brother" Helena stated

"No you don't, it's just a bit of fun" Athanasia replied

"Fun, someone could be hurt or die that fire needs to be put out" Helena stated

"What's going...going on here" Damian asked stumbling over to them

"Are you drunk" Helena asked

"You're being...ridic...ridical, ridiculous, I'm not...I'm not drunk" Damian replied leaning on Athanasia

"Damian you need to go home" Helena stated

"How about you go home, and stop being a buzzkill" Athanasia stated

"Damian" Helena warned

"Wha...is shomething wrong" Damian asked

"Yes your drunk and coming home" Helena said

"No...no I'm, I don't know what I'm not...not doing" Damian replied

"As much as I love you freaks I have some people to hurt" Athanasia said walking away

"Where...where is...Ehh where is m...my mate, where is..." Damian asked before collapsing

"Mate?" Helena questioned

"Who" Damian asked before falling unconscious

"Cassie, Jon" Helena called over to the two

"Yeah oh my what happened" Cassie asked

"He's drunk and unconscious" Helena answered

"Okay let's get him to his car" Jon said

"I would but I don't know where he puts his car key" Helena stated

"He has a hidden pocket in the inside of his jacket on his right side" Jon stated

"Oh wow he does, how do you know that" Helena asked

"I've seen him use it before" Jon said quickly

"Okay now you help me carry him" Cassie stated

"Also before he went down he asked for his mate, did either of you know or think he had one" Helena asked

"No" Cassie stated

"Nope not at all" Jon replied

"I'll have to ask him when he wakes up" Helena exclaimed as they began walking

They got to the car and Helena opened it and they put Damian in the back of the car.

"I have to go Donna is my lift outta here" Cassie stated running off

"I'll help you bring him back to the Manor, if I can get a lift from there" Jon said

"Sure let's go" Helena said

They got into Damian's car after buckling him in, in one of the backseats. Jon sat beside him to keep him upright and keep him safe if he started to vomit while Helena drove. When they arrived at the Manor Jon stayed with Damian while Helena ran in to get Bruce.

"I'm going to kill your brother when he wakes up" Bruce stated

"Hi Mr.Wayne" Jon said

"Jon" Bruce acknowledge lifting his son from the backseat

"Hey Jon come in for a sec" Helena said

"Okay" Jon said

They followed Bruce in as they entered the Manor and the two went to the living room and sat down

"Cassie thinks she knows who Damian's mate is" Helena said

"What really" Jon asked trying not to sound startled

"Yeah she thinks it's Rachel, but it could be someone else because he has the reputation of being you know, a player" Helena stated

"Rachel really, why" Jon asked

"Athanasia's Instagram, he's kissing her in the background" Helena replied

"He is" Jon said hiding the hurt

"Yeah and I thought she was with Garfield" Helena sighed

"So did I, I have to go" Jon exclaimed

"Yeah it's late, let me give you a lift" Helena said

"No I'll get the bus" Jon said leaving

"Okay bye" Helena said

After Jon raced out of the room, Helena stood up and walked upstairs said Goodnight to Bruce and Selina before going to bed. She woke up the next morning at seven and went down and had breakfast and while she was eating Damian stumbled into the room.

"Good morning, you look like a ray of sunshine" Helena said

"Stop shouting" Damian replied

"I'm not" Helena replied

"Remind me to never let Conor talk me into drinking again" Damian said

"So you've marked someone" Helena said

"What no, what makes you think that" Damian asked

"When you were stumbling around you asked for your mate" Helena replied

"I was drunk" Damian stated

"Well you and Rachel seemed very familiar with each other, even though she is dating Gar" Helena said

"What does that mean" Damian replied

"You two were making out, it's in your twins Instagram" Helena said

"Wait it was, and everyone could see it" Damian said

"Yeah, why" Helena asked as she turned around but he was already gone

Damian had ran up to his room and pulled out his phone to check Athanasia's Instagram feed and sure enough there he was kissing Rachel. He closed the app and pressed call on Jon's name multiple times but Jon didn't pick up. So he went to text him but as the text went through he got a notification telling him that his number had been blocked.

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