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November 3rd Kent House 14:45
The Kent's bar Jon had been gone for two days and Damian had spent both days with Jon and had told his father he was away with friends from school, Bruce didn't check any further into it as he was trying to be more trusting of his son. Damian and Jon had been getting along for the most part, except for a few minor instances. They had also just returned from going to the shop to get food.

"Why are you so happy, your happier then yesterday" Jon asked

"I don't know, there's just something" Damian replied

"Well I'm feeling a bit dizzy you finish unpacking" Jon said

"Are you okay, do you have a temperature" Damian asked

"Dami I'm fine don't go all protective Alpha" Jon laughed

"I'll protect what's mine until I die, and your love is mine and mine yours" Damian replied

"I think your getting the hang of it" Jon stated walking off

"The hang of what" Damian asked confused but got no response

Jon didn't respond he just looked at Damian before walking off again. Damian remained in the kitchen and unpacked the shopping, they had to go because they had eaten most of the food in the house, Jon more so then Damian.

"Feeling any less dizzy" Damian asked

"A bit can you maybe get me some water?" Jon replied

"Of course I will" Damian said turning around and leaving

"You're the best" Jon called

"I know that" Damian responded from the other room

"So what are we going to do now" Jon asked

"I can think of a few things, that we haven't done in a while" Damian replied handing him the glass

"Not happening" Jon replied

"But it's been too long and I'm going crazy" Damian stated

"That's why your in such a good mood, because of the pheromones I'm almost in heat" Jon exclaimed

"Maybe" Damian replied

"Your such an Alpha" Jon sighed

"I can't help it, it's the only thing I can think about and it's because of your pheromones" Damian replied

"Well you'll have to wait until I actually go into heat" Jon stated kissing him

"Is this you getting back at me because if so, your evil" Damian said

"I have my moments" Jon exclaimed

"I hate you" Damian replied

"No you adore me" Jon stated

Damian sat in the couch beside Jon and they began watching the TV, after a few hours of doing absolutely nothing they both got up to get food and maybe go outside again. But while they were walking Jon began to fall but Damian caught him and carried him up to the bedroom, his heat had begun.

"D...DDami" Jon said

"Yeah" Damian replied trying to maintain control

"I want you" Jon responded

Damian jumped up onto the bed and began attacking Jon's face with his lips, as he did this he ripped the Omega's shirt off and began trailing from Jon's lips down his neck and down his chest leaving a trail of marks all the way down to just above the garter of his jeans.

"Mm...More" Jon panted

"As you wish" Damian smirked

Damian went back towards his neck and but down on where he had marked him causing Jon to scream in pain as Damian took the Omega's jeans off. Damian then took his shirt and trousers off before completely stripping them both down. As the pheromones got stronger Damian began to growl. Jon in his half lucid stat wrapped his arms around Damian's neck as Damian positioned himself to enter the Omega.

Damian grabbed Jon's wrist as he began thrusting in and out of the Omega, Jon's moaning got louder with each thrust which caused Damian to get more physical, growl louder and tighten his grip on the Omega. As Damian got more physical and faster with each thrust the more Jon moaned and groaned with pain. This lasted until Damian finally released his load into the Omega and Jon did as well simultaneously and Damian collapsed onto the bed beside him and kissed his cheek.

Before they both passed out Damian carried Jon to the shower and they cleaned off and Damian brought him back to the room and tucked him into the bed, before heading downstairs where his phone began ringing.

"Hello" Damian said

"Damian where are you" Helena asked

"Away, why?" Damian replied

"Because you didn't actually say where you were when you told father and we are just a bit worried you've been away without communication" Helena stated

"I'll be home soon" Damian spat

"Okay no need to be so rude anyway I have to go myself and Cassie are heading to Jon's. Ohh and Talia was around the other day talking about boarding school" Helena said

"Thanks bye" Damian replied hanging up

Damian ran back upstairs and kneeled beside the bed and gently woke Jon up from his sleep.

"Dami, I need to sleep what is it" Jon asked groggily

"I need to leave" Damian responded

"No you can't I need you here" Jon exclaimed

"Well Helena and Cassie are coming over and I can't be here when they arrive" Damian stated

"I thought we were past this" Jon said

"Kent I can't let people know, not yet" Damian responded

"Just go" Jon sighed turning over

"Kent" Damian sighed

"I thought you had to leave" Jon spat

"Fine, bye" Damian spat leaving

Jon remained in his bed until he heard the doorbell he got up out of the bed and wrapped a blanket around himself and made his way down the stairs and opened the front door. He let the girls into the house and he masked the sadness he was feeling with a fake smile which they didn't pick up on and they sat there watching movies and messing around before ordering pizza, Helena and Cassie then invited themselves to spend the night as it was the final night before Jon's family returned.

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