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July 5th Wayne-Kent House 09:45am
Damian and Jon were just laying in bed while the twins slept, Damian was awake and reading a book. While he was reading Jon began to stir from his sleep and he rolled over to face Damian in the bed and Damian just turned his head away from his book and looked down at his half asleep husband who was looking up at him with his eyes half open.

"Good morning beloved" Damian stated

"Hmm" Jon hummed

"You know you have to wake up at some point" Damian said

"I know" Jon sighed in response

"Can you believe it we have had them for a year" Damian exclaimed

"Best year of my life" Jon stated sitting up

"So far" Damian said

"Yeah, best year so far" Jon said in agreement laying his head on Damian and wrapping his arms around him

"I hope they stay like that from now on" Damian said

"Like what" Jon questioned

"Sleeping through the night without waking up" Damian replied

"I have been enjoying my sleep" Jon laughed

"I got up and hour ago this arrived for you in the mail" Damian said handing him an envelope

"What is it?" Jon asked

"I don't know I don't have x-ray vision" Damian stated

"That would be cool, x-ray vision" Jon exclaimed

"I don't think so, imagine not being able to turn it off" Damian replied

"Yeah that would be bad" Jon replied opening the envelope

"So what is it" Damian asked

"I got the highest grades on my college course and the Daily Planet have offered me a part time job while I complete college and then hopefully they will take me on board" Jon exclaimed excitedly

"That's great beloved, they won't even examine me on my course because they think I know it all already" Damian said

"Well you do, that's why you already have a position in Wayne Enterprises" Jon replied

"That's just namesake" Damian stated

"Well that's enough about college and work, go get their breakfast ready and I will wake them without upsetting them" Jon ordered

"Only for a kiss" Damian said

"Fine" Jon sighed kissing him

Damian got up out of the bed and threw on a dressing gown and left the room while Jon got up and made his way over to the sleeping twins. He stood there for a minute before, as if they sensed him standing there the twins began to wake up. When they opened their eyes they looked up at Jon and began smiling goofy little grins.

"You are bringing them down for their food" Damian asked

"I can't carry both of them they are so big" Jon replied

"Fine I'll take Elinor" Damian said picking her up

"I'm still surprised they haven't attempted to talk yet and they are one" Jon said lifting Thomas up

"Maybe they were waiting for today and they are going to give it to us as a gift for bring them into this world a year ago" Damian replied sarcastically

"Your hilarious babe" Jon said unamused

"Grayson messaged me saying he and Mar'i are going to visit later" Damian stated

"Aww I can't wait to see Mar'i again what is she like two months now" Jon exclaimed

"Yeah she is" Damian replied putting Elinor in the high chair

"Is Kori coming" Jon asked

"No she's in work" Damian answered

"That's a shame it's been aw hole since we've seen her" Jon said

"I know, here comes the aeroplane" Damian cooed as he fed Elinor

"That's why they eat for you, you make eating fun I didn't know you could do that make something fun" Jon stated

"I feel hurt beloved, I know how to have fun" Damian replied

"I was joking" Jon said kissing his cheek

"Ga-ba" Thomas giggled

They continued to feed the twins and when they were cleaning up after they ate the twins who were still in the high chairs began talking with each other in baby language. Damian continued cleaning while Jon took a moment to just watch.

"What do you think they are saying" Jon asked

"They are discussing who the better parent is, I'm winning by a landslide" Damian joked

"Haha very funny babe" Jon replied sarcastically

"I am now we need to get ready for our visitors later" Damian stated

"Visitors plural" Jon questioned

"Yeah Dick and Mar'i as well as your parents they wanted to come up and my father said he doesn't think he will be up today but he will try for tomorrow" Damian answered

"You could have told me" Jon stated

"I did last night when we were watching you've been framed" Damian replied

"Did you, I must not have been paying attention" Jon replied

"You weren't you were crying from laughter the whole time" Damian said

"Well the twins need to be bathed and the house needs to be cleaned from top to bottom" Jon exclaimed

"You can start the bath and I'll start cleaning" Damian said kissing him

Jon left and went upstairs to draw a bath while Damian began cleaning the dishes and he continued to listen to the twins babble on between each other.

"Okay the bath is ready" Jon said walking back in

"Okay let's get you two washed" Damian said lifting Thomas up while Jon grabbed Elinor

They went upstairs and but the twins in the bath tub and began washing them but it wasn't long before the twins began to splash the water and eventually splashed Damian and Jon. Afterwards the dried the two off and headed back downstairs. They let the twins play while they cleaned the house waiting for Dick to arrive as well as Lois and Clark.

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