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December 25th Wayne Manor 14:30
Bruce and Selina were sitting in their living room reading their books while Alfred was in and out checking on the Christmas dinner. They had been sitting there for forty minutes before Helena walked in with her phone out and sat down.

"Lara just messaged, Clark, Lois and her won't be coming they have gone back to Smallville to be there with Jonathan and Martha" Helena stated

"Well then Bruce you better message Clark later to see if they are alright with everything they have been through" Selina stated

"I will, I will" Bruce replied

"I'll remind you again later before you forget" Selina exclaimed

"That's probably a good idea" Bruce said

"Also Jon and Damian will be late, Damian said something about one of the twins getting sick" Helena stated

"Well they shouldn't be rushing, plus we still haven't heard from the others" Bruce replied

Another few minutes passed and Dick and entered with Kori followed shortly after by Jason, Tim and Steph. They all greeted each other and then sat around for a bit talking.

"Cass isn't coming tonight, her father invited her out and they haven't talked in ages so she said it was more important but she's see us New Years" Steph exclaimed

"Well the numbers keep dwindling down" Tim exclaimed

"Next Damian and Jon won't be coming because one of the twins is sick" Helena stated

"No they are coming, Damian just opened the front gate" Bruce said

"How would you know that" Jason asked

"My phone is linked to the gates camera" Bruce answered

"I shall open the door" Alfred said going to stand

"No I have it Al, you stay seated" Dick exclaimed jumping to his feet

He walked out into the hallway and toward the door and opened just before Jon's finger hit the doorbell.

"Hey guys" Dick exclaimed

"Hi Dick" Jon replied

"Grayson" Damian acknowledge

"Okay and how are these two doing" Dick asked looking at the twins

"Where to begin Elinor was sick last week and just got better yesterday and then this morning he starts getting sick so you know, it's all good" Damian stated

"Okay I don't know how to respond because your tone clearly indicates not okay" Dick replied

"Just let us in" Damian sighed walking past him with Tommy in his carrier

"He's been up all night, he's a bit cranky" Jon smiled tiredly

"He's always cranky" Dick replied

Jon followed Damian in with Elinor and Dick closed the door behind them. They caught up with Damian and entered the living room where everyone else was still sitting and talking.

"Damian, Jonathan it's good to see you" Bruce stated

"Sorry we're late" Jon replied

"You had more important things to attend to, no need to say sorry Master Jonathan" Alfred said

"Well then now that we are all here, shall we begin dinner?" Selina asked

"Let's before these two wake up" Damian replied

The whole family stood up and headed into the kitchen the twins were left in Damian's old room with a monitor. They all sat down as Bruce made his annual speech about family and how important it is before Alfred presented the well laid out good and they dished it out.

"Al as always this is amazing" Dick said taking a bite

"Kori I think you and Dick are over he's going to marry the stuffing" Jason stated

"I always knew he'd leave me for food" Kori laughed

"What it's good food" Dick stated

"It's not good it's fantastic" Jon said in agreement

"Why thank you but I can't take all the credit, Mistress Selina helped" Alfred said

"Alfred you know you did most of the work" Selina replied

"Either way it's great" Tim exclaimed

"I'm glad you think so Master Tim, because you, Mistress Helena and Master Jason are helping with the clean up when we are finished eating" Alfred exclaimed

"Why just us three" Jason asked

"Because we decided that before dinner" Bruce answered

They continued eating before everyone except the three designated for clean up duties, Damian went to check on the twins and to makes sure Tommy wasn't getting sick because he was making unusual sounds on the monitor. While in the room Tommy had woken up and Damian started doing baby talk and everyone in the living room had heard it over the monitor and tried not to laugh but when he came into the room holding the baby his siblings began laughing which caused him to stare daggers at them while he sat down.

"How is he" Selina asked

"Fine I think, still has the temperature but no bodily fluids coming out other then spit" Damian replied wiping Thomas's face with the bib

"And you just left your daughter up there alone" Bruce said

"She's sleeping and if she was awake do you honestly think I could pick up and carry two of them" Damian stated

"I didn't think of that, now would anyone like tea or coffee" Bruce asked standing

The general consensus was no because of the time except for Tim and Bruce who had some coffee, they stayed around for another bit before people started leaving Jon and Damian were the first to leave after Thomas threw up all over himself and Damian. When they got home they put the twins into their cots before Damian showered and they got into bed themselves.

"Who were you in the phone too" Damian asked getting into the bed beside Jon

"It was my Mom" Jon replied

"How is your Grandfather?" Damian questioned

"He's good and then he's not" Jon replied

"I'm sorry" Damian said kissing him

"I've been thinking, why don't we just do it get married this year instead of waiting so he can come in case the worst comes to pass" Jon exclaimed

"If that's what you want my love, that's what we will do" Damian said

"It is but I'm tired so shall we discuss it tomorrow" Jon asked

"We shall, I love you" Damian said kissing him

"I love you too" Jon said kissing back

The two fell asleep holding each other like they normally did, Thomas woke them a few time during the night getting sick and crying and Damian decided to let Jon continue sleeping so he stayed up with their son for most of the night and once he calmed down and fell asleep he returned to Jon in the bed.

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