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November 1st Kent House 22:45
Jon had finally decided to leave his nest, he joined his family for dinner and a movie night before heading back up to bed. He was cuddled up with a bear Damian had given him while wearing one of Damian's jumpers when he heard something hit his window, and then another and then another until he sat up and looked outside to see Damian standing below the window. He opened it and put on a blank expression and looked down at him.

"Can I come in" Damian asked

"Why" Jon replied

"Beloved please I just want to talk" Damian stated

"Fine climb the tree" Jon said

Damian climbed the tree and entered through the window, Jon had gone back to sitting in the corner of the bed.

"Nice jumper" Damian stated

"What do you want" Jon asked

"You won't answer my calls and texts" Damian replied

"I don't feel like it" Jon said

"Why is that" Damian asked

"I don't know you tell me" Jon exclaimed

"Was it because I was being stupid and did something stupid" Damian asked

"That sums it up pretty well" Jon stated

"Kent I'm sorry I know being drunk isn't a good excuse but it's my only one" Damian said

"Your right it's a terrible one" Jon said

"Kent please forgive me" Damian pleaded

"Damian you know how you could just go and kiss Rachel and any other person and not feel anything and you can use that to hide me and you well I can't do things like that because one I'm loyal and love you and secondly marked Omegas get violently ill when they do things like that" Jon stated

"Kent I do love you" Damian replied

"You have a funny way of showing it by kissing other people. I really thought when you marked me things would change but they are the exact same and always will be, if it weren't so life threatening I would almost remove this stupid mark" Jon spat

"You want to remove the mark" Damian said upset

"If you keep acting like that I would but I can't, it's too dangerous and expensive so I guess we are stuck with each other" Jon said

"Well if that's how you feel I will find your freedom from my horrible grasp" Damian said walking towards the window

"Dami" Jon announced

"What do you have more you want to throw in my face" Damian asked

"No I said if you continue acting that way, I'm still mad but I want a cuddle" Jon stated

"Really you do" Damian said

"I might consider forgiving you, but you do that once more and I swear to god" Jon said

"Just shut up" Damian replied jumping onto the bed

"Now can we talk about telling our parents" Jon asked

"Can you please shut up for one night" Damian exclaimed

"You don't have to be so rude" Jon replied turning over

"Beloved don't" Damian stated

"Night Damian" Jon replied shutting his eyes

"I'll see you in the morning" Damian replied closing his eyes

They went to sleep and stayed that way the whole night Damian woke around seven and just lay there, but when he heard movement from outside the door and he got out of the bed and hid.

"Jon honey" Lois called opening the door

"M..Mom" Jon replied shocked

"Why are you shocked, anyway myself and your father need to go away for the next three days for work, and since your off school for the next week do you want to come, Lara is" Lois asked

"No I think I'll stay but thanks for the offer" Jon replied

"Well you have about twenty minutes to change your mind if you want too" Lois said closing the door

Jon listened and waited to hear his parents door close before standing up and looking around his room.

"Damian where are you" Jon asked

"Your nest is quite comfortable" Damian replied opening the wardrobe

"Get out of there" Jon ordered

"Fine bossy boots" Damian replied

"Why are you so happy this morning" Jon asked curiously

"I don't know it's something in the air, now after your parents and sister leave I was thinking we could go out for breakfast or I could make something" Damian replied

"I want to see you make something and I'll accept it as a further apology" Jon stated

"Sure you will and may I add I am the best chef ever" Damian replied pecking his lips

"Sure you are, now find a hiding spot that isn't my little nest" Jon ordered

"Fine" Damian sighed

Damian went into hiding while Jon said bye to his family before joking Jon downstairs.

"This could be a trial" Damian suggested

"For what exactly" Jon asked

"When we are living together" Damian answered

"Really we are going to still be keeping us a secret then" Jon exclaimed

"That's not what I meant, why are you so infuriating" Damian questioned

"Why are you so against telling people, are you ashamed of us" Jon replied

"No, no never I adore you I wouldn't have marked you otherwise. I'm just not ready" Damian stated

"Fine, go make breakfast I'm going to watch TV" Jon said

Damian began making breakfast for him and Jon, while Jon who was still wearing Damian's jumper sat on the living room couch and started flicking through the channels until he got to his favourite channel and he sat there watching the TV until Damian called him for breakfast.

Stuck With Each OtherTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon