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March 17th West-Reve High 12:00
Jon was glad they got to wear their own clothes to school as he could wear baggy jumpers to hide his bump which was beginning to show. As he and Helena walked towards the table where Lara and Cassie were sitting Athanasia got in front of them and stood in their way.

"Hey you two" Athanasia said with a smile plastered onto her face

"Hi" Jon replied

"Move" Helena stated

"Can I not say hi to my sister and the Omega who took advantage of my dear brother" Athanasia said

"I did no such thing" Jon stated

"Really because I think so and if I think so the school will think the same" Athanasia said

"Stop it leave him alone" Helena warned

"Come on its just a bit of friendly banter" Athanasia stated

"It feels more hostile" Helena exclaimed

"I don't mean to be, enjoy your days" Athanasia replied staring at Jon

The two walked away from her and sat down beside Cassie and Lara and began talking but turned when the room fell silent as something unusual was happening, Damian walked right past the popular kids table and sat beside Jon and Helena at theirs.

"What are you doing, your drawing unwanted attention" Cassie stated

"I'm sitting with my beloved also I don't really like anyone at my table" Damian replied

"We don't like them either, especially your sister she even stopped Jon and Helena today" Lara said

"She did what" Damian asked

"Don't" Helena replied

Damian stood up from the table and marched towards his old table and walked up behind Athanasia

"Hey sis, what have I told you about going near Jon or any of them" Damian asked

"Not to, but she's my sister and he's my future brother in law" Athanasia replied

"This is for today but don't go near them again" Damian said as he picked her drink up from the table and poured it over her head

"Oh my god I am going to kill you, I just did my hair and this was my favourite top" Athanasia screamed

"Boohoo, don't go near them again" Damian said leaving her and walking over to the other table

"Did you really just do that, she's going to retaliate hard" Helena said

"I don't know if you guys know this but my sister is nothing compared to me" Damian replied

"That doesn't mean she won't attack back" Jon exclaimed

"I know and I'll be waiting" Damian said kissing his cheek

"Okay no PDA" Cassie exclaimed

"Really, why" Jon asked

"Because it's inappropriate in a school environment" Cassie stated

"I don't think so but if it makes you happier" Jon replied leaning on Damian

"Will you be sitting with us from now on" Helena asked

"I don't see why not" Damian replied

"Is there a specific reason" Lara asked

"No" Damian answered

"If your reason is to be with me I think it's adorable" Jon stated

"Then let's go with that one" Damian said

They give teens finished their lunches before heading back to their classes and then home when the final bell rang two hours after. When Damian was leaving his final class he was grabbed and stopped by Athanasia.

"You're going to regret what you did earlier" Athanasia said

"No I won't and you know I won't" Damian spat

"If your whore of an Omega wasn't pregnant with a child of the Al-Ghül bloodline I would have hurt him today" Athanasia exclaimed

"My child may have Al-Ghül blood but, that child will no nothing of that side of the family. I hope you all enjoy burning in hell" Damian said walking away as he held back his Alpha instincts to attack her

"You'll be there with us, you can't hide from family Damian" Athanasia called after him

Damian walked through the hallways and out the front entrance where he found Jon waiting for him while talking to Wally and Emiko.

"Hey Dames, you coming to football practice tonight" Wally asked doing the football teams secret handshake

"Of course I'm the star player, you may be the fastest but I'm the best" Damian replied

"You wish" Wally laughed

"What is it with Alphas needing to be the best at everything" Emiko asked

"I don't know, but let's let them think they are" Jon replied

"I'm sorry but we are, what are Omegas better at" Damian asked

"Tests, life you the important stuff" Emiko replied

"Your also great manipulators and are good and being mean" Wally stated

"How are we mean" Jon asked

"Don't answer that it's a trap" Wally whispered

"I know" Damian replied

"You two are idiots, Wally we need to get going. I'll talk with you later Jon" Emiko said

"Bye" Jon replied

"Hello beloved" Damian said kissing him

"So you think I'm mean" Jon stated

"I didn't say that, that was West" Damian replied

"I didn't say you said it, I said you think it" Jon exclaimed

"No never, you don't have a mean bone in your body" Damian said

"The right answer for once" Jon exclaimed taking his hand and kissing his cheek

"For once" Damian questioned

"Your usually not great at answering correctly" Jon stated

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that" Damian said acting upset

"Moving on, you haven't had football since before any of this and I used to go because we'd meet up afterwards do you still want me too" Jon asked

"If you don't want to, you don't have to" Damian replied

"Then I will" Jon stated

"Why, you know nothing about the sport and hate sport in general" Damian questioned

"Yeah but I like watching you run around in shorts" Jon replied

"I feel violated on so many levels right now" Damian laughed

"Can we go now, I don't want to be at school any longer then I have to be" Jon said

"Sure let's go you weirdo" Damian stated

"Hey don't speak to the father of your child like that" Jon exclaimed

"I am so terribly sorry for speaking to thou I'm such a crude and horrible manner, let me get the door for you" Damian said in a posh British accent as he opened the car door

"That made it worse" Jon said laughing at the Alpha

"I think it made the it better" Damian exclaimed

After Jon got in Damian closed the car door before getting in the drivers seat and driving back to the Kent House. Lois and Clark were still in work and Lara was at Rachel's house working on a school project so the boys sat in silence without interruption as they did their homework before Damian had to go to training.

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