Chapter ??? - #̵͙̂̐̀@̵̡̥͍̃̋$̶̢̭͔͋̏̔^̵̯̹̖͆͘*̶̰͕̈́̈́̒&̵̲͌̾́!̷̰̉%̷̛̙̩̩̋͘

Começar do início

Zero - "Yeah that'll do it."

Nyr - "Bahh! They won't understand any of this!"

Toad - "Well ya gotta try. Ease 'em into it. Maybe you can eventually get 'em into VR so you can see each other again."

Nyr - "Hahh.. Maybe.."

Zero - "Then what about the whole situation with Sci/O?"

Nyr - "Idunno.. I obfuscated our accounts so they can't track us anymore without physically finding us. It still feels a little weird that we basically exist on some server somewhere inside their building.. But I mean the only person who was crazy enough to really care should be behind bars by now, right?"

Zero - "Oh, you didn't see?"

Nyr - "Huh..?"

Zero - "That professor guy went missing too.."

Nyr - "W-Wah? No way..!"

Nyr - "Damn it.."

Toad - "At least with that news the company seems to be in more of a maintenance mode, what with the loss of both the project leads. So nobody should be actively after you for now."

Nyr - "That's good.."

Zero - "We'll keep up the pressure from the outside. I don't think they'll do anything for fear of retaliation. They seem to have other test subjects lined up anyway so other than monitoring your networks to make sure things are normal, you shouldn't have anything to worry about."

Nyr - "It still feels pretty creepy.."

Bear - "Just think of it like a check up at the doctor!"

Nyr - "It's not really the same is it.."

Nyr - "How's the botnet doing?"

Toad - "As you would expect it's been slowly dwindling and a little unstable, but it's large enough it doesn't really matter. It should be good for a long while, by the time it matters I'm sure they'll have their own server shit figured out."

Nyr - "Whew.."

Toad - "Woah.. Now I see why you went after her.."

Nyr - "H-Huh..?"

Zero - "Is this the girl we've heard so little about?"

Bear - "She's pretty!"

Syr - "How's it going out here?"

Nyr - "A-Ahh..!"

Toad - "How did you even-"

Nyr - "I-I'll talk to you guys later!"

She closes the call abruptly.

Syr - "Huh, what was that?"

Nyr - "I was just on a call with some friends.."

Syr - "And you just close it as soon as I come out here?! Are you that embarrassed by me?"

Nyr - "N-No! Not at all! It's the opposite..!"

Nyr - "They were being embarrassing.. I didn't want you to see that!"

Syr - "Right.."

Nyr - "I'll introduce you sometime later when we're all prepared for it okay..?"

Syr - "Hmph.."

Nyr - "What's up anyway? Why'd you come out, and why are you all geared up like you're going out?"

Syr - "Well.. I've been thinking.. Since I made it to this world relatively okay, what if my brother also made it here somehow..?"

SYRONOOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora