Chapter Fourteen - A Small Respite

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Nyr - "Bwuhhh.. Did we.. get it..?"

Syr simply beckons her over, but getting a better look at it provides a strange sight.

Nyr - "Woahh.."

The strange effect pulses within the neck of the deceased beast, obscuring the organic insides and preventing loss of blood.

Syr - "It's.. like your arm.."

Nyr - "Oh.. I-I guess it is.."

Lissly - "..What's this tension? Shouldn't you be excited?"

Finally removing her gear, she returns to her usual directorial self.

Nyr - "Ehhh.. It's a little difficult to be excited right now.. This is all a bit too serious, don't you think..? Nothing like this has ever happened before.."

Lissly - "True.. It's more than unusual. But we don't have any reason to suspect anything other than an unexpected event, stuff like that isn't unprecedented.."

Nyr - "Bhh.. Can you really say that with a straight face..?"

She holds up the limb that used to extend into a perfectly adequate hand, now terminating prematurely into a stump.

Lissly grimaces into a less sure pose, re-evaluating her thoughts.

Nyr - "Idunno about you, but I've got a bad vibe about all this.."

Nyr - "..How about you, Syr..?"

Syr - "Oh ehh.. Huh..?"

Nyr - "How do you feel..?!"

Syr - "Ah I uhmm.. Am I supposed to feel something..?"

Nyr - "Aha, wah?! Yeah that's kind of how being human works..!"

Syr - "Eheh, right.. Well, I'm not sure.. I mean we defeated the thingy.."

Nyr - 'Thingy..?'

Syr - "And then but it's like.. we killed a beautiful creature, y'know..? And also, your arm.."

Nyr - "Hyeahhh.. I feel you.. Still.. We should probably like investigate this guy and.. respectfully(?) take its bits..?"

Speaking as she slowly approaches the carcass, kneeling down to rest a hand on its neck.

Lissly - "Careful.."

Nyr - "Oh come on, we already killed it.. Don't have to treat it like some diseased pest.."

Nyr - "Pretty rude of us to just blow up your head, huh..?"

As she says that, the ground shakes abruptly underneath them.

Nyr - "AHHH!"

Immediately she shoots up stiff, sprinting back over to hide behind Syr and peek over her shoulder.

Syr - "Uwehh..!?"

Lissly - "I-I'm sure everything is fine!"

Nyr - "W-What was that?! I-I-Is it a ghost?! Dragon ghost!?!"

With another shake, the dragon's corpse flickers slightly.

Nyr - "Eee!!"

With a strange continuous distorted crunching sound, the body disintegrates gradually starting from the neck and propagating through the rest.

Lissly - "O-Oh my..!"

Syr - "What the-?!"

Syr - "Ahhh.. Well, kinda par for the course now, huh?"

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