Chapter Four - Late Night Excursion

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Nyr - "To the formation of our party, and to the future of our success!"

They'd acquired a lavish space at a posh inn nearby, and ordered a succulent feast accompanied by several rounds of drinks.

Syr - "Do you just like being broke? This was like, all of the rest of the money."

Nyr - "Oh pleeease, we'll be rollin' in it by tomorrow, easily!"

Syr - "We are so not having a shared storage."

Nyr - "Quit complaininggg, look at all this!"

Syr - "Well.. I won't simply let this go to waste.."

Nyr was already taking a massive chomp out of a large haunch of meat.

Syr at least wet her stick of meat with some spicy sauce before taking a modest bite.

The two chow down on their variegated banquet, one more voracious than the other, washing it down with a translucent red, effervescent beverage.

Hardly a word spoken and not much time later, only a few scraps of less desirable foods remained.

Nyr - "Ohoho boy.. So full..! [hiccup]"

Syr - "Yeah, I don't think I'll need to eat for another week.."

Syr - "So where are we going to stay after tonight? No way you have a place with your wallet.. And I.. have an excuse for having no money."

Nyr - "Ohh, hehe.. I didn't think about that.."

Syr - "Wha- Where've you been sleeping?"

Nyr - "You knowww, arounnddd, heh.. [hiccup]"

Syr - "Are you.. inebriated..?"

Nyr - "I knoww I am but what are youu..?"

Syr - "That's not how- Ughh.."

She looks down to her own vast mug, now empty.

Syr - "Oh no.."

Nyr - "Oooo I know! I forgot to mention that the uhhh.. the what? Theee.. yeah! The guy! With the thing you know? Like the thing with the buildings and they were all empty but then then- BSHYOOO!!"

She made a loud sound imitating the projectile from the creature in the abandoned village.

Nyr - "And then--- Huh..? Ohoho but that guyy.. He offered a to give me a chyooiice property out there as part of the deal if I.. We..? I.. We did it, but you weren't there before.. Hmmmm.."

Syr - "..Nyr?"

Nyr - "If I cleared the village!! [hiccup]"

Syr - "Ohh, so then you-"

Nyr - "We could live there together!!"

Nyr - "..Oh but, we don't have to sleeep together heheheheh.. UNless..! Just kidding, ehehe.."

Syr - "That.. actually sounds quite nice. Peaceful riverside village life.."

Nyr - "We're roommatesss! Yaa-[hiccup]-ay!"

She gets up and leans across to fling her arms around Syr, awkwardly draping her body across the not-so-narrow table.

However she failed to consider, or care about, the food remains left on the table.

Syr - "Ahhg..! Jeez.. I guess it won't be so peaceful with you around.."

Nyr - "Hehehee.. Roooom-mate.."

SYRONOजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें