Chapter Sixteen - Resource Compression

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Nyr - "Why'd you eat the last choco?! You knew I wanted it..!"

Syr - "What?! Was the one I fed you not good enough for you~?"

Nyr - "E-Ehhh..!? T-That's not what I'm talking about..!"

Syr - "Eheh.. How was I supposed to know, it's not like you said anything."

Nyr - "You saw how much I liked them..! You should've known I'd want it!"

Syr - "Oh pleasee.. You know, communication is important~!"

Nyr - "Aghh but-!"

Interrupted by a sharp ring, she fumbles for her card looking for something to change the subject.

Nyr - "E-Ehh..? It's Lissly.."

Syr - "Why would she be calling you?"

Nyr - "I-Idunno, she never does.. anymore.."

Syr - "Hmf.. Well are you going to answer it, isn't this our time?"

Nyr - "E-Eeeh.. But it must be pretty important for her to call, especially knowing we just asked for time off together.."

Syr - "Hmh.. Sheesh.."

Nyr - "I-I'm gonna call her back.."

Lissly answers without even letting it ring.

Nyr - "H-Hel-?"

Lissly - "We've got a serious issue here!"

Nyr - "W-What's going on..?"

Lissly - "The situation is only getting more out of control..! There's a threat on a scale I've never seen before.. My party couldn't even touch it.. And now we're out of sorts and out of resources, with no one left to call.."

Nyr - "A-A-Ahh.. But.. Everything seemed so peaceful here.."

Nyr - "W-What are we supposed to do about it..?!"

Lissly - "Just get your asses over here so I can give you the data.. Please, we're running out of options, and time.."

Nyr - "A-Alright.. I understand.. We'll make our way there.."

Syr - "So.. what was that about..?"

Nyr - "..."

Syr - "Ehh..?"

Nyr - "S-She seemed so.. desperate.."

Syr - "W-Wah..?"

Nyr - "I think this is pretty serious.. We have to get back to the guild as fast as possible..!"

Syr - "E-Ehh? Okay..? Kind of lame though I mean we barely got a day off..!"

Nyr - "I-I know, I'm upset about it too but.. there's always more time for that.. W-We might not have anywhere to spend a day off if we can't stop whatever is going on.."

Syr - "Jeez.. Why's it gotta be so dramatic.."

Nyr - "This is serious!"

Syr - "Eh I-I know..! It's just, so uncool.. I feel like I've barely existed and already my life is falling apart.."

Nyr - "..What if the two are.. related..?"

Syr - "Wah..?"

Nyr - "Everything only got weird when you showed up.. And even you showing up was weird in itself.."

Syr - "Wha- But.. T-That's ridic-"

Nyr - "Y-You're right.. It would be a bit self aggrandizing to think that.. I-I'm sure it's just a correlation not causation.."

SYRONOOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora