Chapter Two - Ghost Town

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They weren't terribly far from the village, but it would still take some time to get there.

Syr followed closely behind, using the time to take in her surroundings and, of course, her new partner in adventure for the time being.

She thought her armor was quite unusual.

It followed similar principles to standard light armors she'd seen plenty before, but with an interesting almost retro-futuristic coating.

Various glowing channels inlaid throughout, she was curious for what purpose they might serve.

Her headgear was light as well and looked somewhat like a pair of antennas either side of her head, though Syr thought from the right angle they kind of made it look like she had animal ears.

They glowed all the same as the rest of her getup, a subtle cyan hue.

Then there was her weapon, it hung on the girl's hip but she couldn't really tell the full scope of what it might be, though the size and bulk of its boxy sheath led her to believe it was seemingly much too big for this girl.

She was barely taller than Nyr, however neither of them were particularly tall to begin with.

Nyr looked like she could be anywhere from 20-23 years old, while Syr herself was 25, though she couldn't recall her exact birthday.

She had to imagine the weapon was some kind of sword based on its profile, yet she couldn't imagine why a sword would need such a futuristic receptacle.

Her weapon turned a gear in Syr's head, she looked down to her sides and saw nothing.

Checking her back she felt nothing.

Pockets maybe?

..No pockets.

Not having a weapon in a world apparently where one is recommended did trouble her slightly, but for how eccentric she might have been, Nyr did seem quite confident and capable which brought some comfort back.

While she was checking, she took note of what she was wearing as well.

It appeared far less technical and thus much less sturdy if she were to find herself in battle.

However, she did notice that it was otherwise quite fanciful, not too gaudy, yet subtly ornate.

Light in color, with deep orange accents, the same type of glowing channels that Nyr has.

Also wearing a sort of dress-like outer piece where the bottom seemed to somehow flare out into an odd bell shape while still being able to flow like cloth, as not to be too inconvenient to move in, yet she got the feeling it could withstand a reasonable impact.

Under that was some more decorated under-armour, overlaying on top of a pair of black shorts that connected to her dark leggings by several strange glowing accessories.

The leggings have a strange pattern that itself also seemed to glow, giving them some peculiar properties.

They were perfectly comfortable to move around in, yet when given an impact, they seem to redistribute the force and displace some of the energy as well.

The shoes didn't seem that special outside of being rather stylish and with several accent pieces.

Finally, she also was wearing some fingerless sleeves on each arm that had similar properties to the leggings, only more ornate.

Bringing her attention back to her hair, beyond the divine shade of white, it was quite long with two full sidelocks either side of her face.

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