Chapter Seven - First Taste

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After walking for a small while, they begin to approach the target region for their accepted quest.

The area was simply more of the same kind of scattered forested areas that they've seen plenty before.

Most of their walk had been spent in vaguely awkward silence, they likely had some interesting things on their minds more than anything else.

Syr - "How much farther..?"

Nyr - "We're practically there already. It's much easier to get to more reasonable questing areas since we're further from the big town now."

Syr - "That makes sense, I suppose.."

Nyr - "But speaking of which.. We should probably stop here for a bit before we enter more dangerous territory."

Syr - "Why so..?"

Nyr - "Wellll you don't even know how to use your weapon yet. So I figured we should take a moment to at least get you acquainted with its abilities.."

Syr - "Right.. So, what did you have in mind?"

Nyr - "Uhhhm.."

Nyr looks around trying to figure something out.

Nyr - "You see this tree here?"

Syr - "Yeah.."

Nyr - "Let's just use this as target practice."

Syr - "This is the best you could come up with..?"

Nyr - "First day on the job okay..?! I didn't exactly prepare a rigorous training regimine!"

Syr - 'Hmmh.. Poor tree..'

As she sets up for the attempt, Biggs takes his leave to sit on the sidelines and cheer her on in chirpy spirit.

Nyr - "Now.. Using field tech like this is a bit tricky your first time. It's all controlled with your mind. I know it sounds cliché but all you really need to do is focus on and imagine the ability you want to use. I find it easiest to just think of myself using the ability in the same way you would move a muscle to achieve a certain motion, that way it feels the most natural. Like the field is merely an extension of your own body."

Syr - "I just have to think about it.."

She exhales deeply and tries to focus on her weapon held out in front of her.

But instead of activating any of her abilities, she just grimaces.

Syr - "Haghh.. How do you think about doing things when your brain is too busy scrambling around..?"

Nyr - "Here. Maybe I can help..?"

While Syr is busy thinking too hard about the wrong things, Nyr sneaks up behind her over her shoulder, and slips her hand around Syr's grip with her other hand holding onto her waist.

After a small initially startled reaction, Syr relaxes, the tension emptying from her body.

Nyr - "Just imagine activating the thruster as you move to lunge the sword forward, closing the distance to the tree.."

Her voice was soft and gentle as she spoke closely to Syr's ear.

As she closes her eyes to imagine the weapon, Syr's mind drains of all its contemporary anxieties.

Nyr guides their combined grip backwards, building up the potential energy for a thrusting attack.

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