Chapter Seventeen - Sci/O;

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If you've been playing 'In-Worlds' (The world's most popular VRMMO) this weekend, no doubt you've experienced firsthand the slew of strange issues that have crept in and only gotten worse since late Friday night.

Players are in a mad scramble trying to protect their prized virtual territory as extra-aggressive, glitched-out beasts are attacking all over the game's massive, shared worldwide server, leading us to believe this isn't an isolated problem but rather an inherent bug in the game itself.

As of this moment there is no word on any instigating factor to the incident, but the company behind the game 'Sci/O' has confirmed at least that what is happening is not a planned event.

These in-game beasts are showing up at an increasing rate, each with one or more abilities that are either outright unintentional or have been supercharged to unfair levels with glitched stats. While not all have been noted to be aggressive, an inordinately large percentage seem to be actively seeking players to attack.

Other notable issues include altered appearances of beasts, sometimes granting adverse effects, and environmental idiosyncrasies such as spastic weather patterns.

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In most games this kind of turmoil might otherwise be just an interesting event to enjoy while you can, later looked back on fondly as a 'Remember that crazy time when-?' moment. Some players are even getting wild new drops as the issues seem to propagate to the loot as well.

But with how the In-Worlds works, all property in the game is simulated live and the players are responsible for protecting it. Meaning that by any means, buildings in the game are permanently destructible.

And while this is one of the games biggest draws, many players are justly upset that everything they've worked hard to create together is under attack by an unprecedented and unfair onslaught. Leaving millions of unanswered questions along the lines of: 'Will there be a server rollback once this is fixed?'

Ladies and gamers, we're here to tell you: we don't know either..!

Despite the immense outcry among the game's community, Sci/O have yet to properly respond to the most important questions being asked right now. This behaviour is somewhat unusual for the company, as they typically communicate fairly well with fans.

Now, I don't want to be an alarmist here but, this lack of response seems like a pretty bad sign. It's likely that the reason they won't say either way is because they either don't plan to, or are incapable of performing a rollback on such a scale.

It's not that surprising, and while I can't condone them being so hushed, personally I don't think it's reasonable to expect them to be able to perform a serverwide reversion when (as stated in previous interviews) the data for the whole game world takes up an entire data center.

Not that it's all cause for concern! Just because they can't do a complete reset doesn't mean we won't get some kind of compensation. We already know there's functions in the game to reverse damage to buildings. Though it's unclear either why they haven't already implemented something like this, or temporarily halted the ability for things to be destroyed.

There are some concerns that, due to aforementioned data size restrictions, the amount of concurrent damage is too much and cannot be fixed in its entirety.

But really, it feels useless to ponder why they haven't done these things because the company's strategy for dealing with this currently seems to be to sit around and do nothing while they wait for the server issues to be resolved internally. They've stated that no changes can be made to the game while the issue persists because it would cause 'irreversible damages'..

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