"Let's go and have dinner. You must be hungry." Mrs. Emily told me and we all went to the dining hall.


"And then he grabbed his foot and kept whining like a child." Emir said and they burst into laughter, except Elliot about whom he was talking about.

"This is not funny, OK? I was scared." He said and I couldn't help but smile slightly.

How I missed their funny talks.

We didn't sleep the whole night and just kept doing random stuff, like playing board games, eating junk food, watching horror movies and much more.


The next day

"I don't want to go to college." Emir said in a sleepy voice and we all agreed.

"But we have to. We're joining your college from now on, by the way." Elijah told me.

"Alright." I took a sip of my coffee and grabbed a cookie.

"Yo, I want to sleep." Elliot whined while resting his head on the dining table in annoyance.

A while later, their parents came into the dining hall and we started eating breakfast.


After eating, I went to Elijah's room, as he told me to wear some of his clothes.

I took a shower first, and then quickly grabbed some random clothes and changed into them.

After getting all ready, I left the room and went downstairs where the others were waiting for me, all ready.

"Let's go." Emir said and we left.

We went in Elijah's car. He sat in the driver's seat and I, beside him while the twins sat in the back.


After a 15 minutes drive full of talks and laughter, we pulled up to the parking lot of the college and got out the car.

We were about to walk towards the entrance when two familiar voices called me from behind.

I turned around to see the two idiots.

"Heya! Umm, who are they?" Theo said as they approached me, pointing towards the twins and El.

"I guess we should be asking that to you? Who are you?" Elliot replied, narrowing his eyes at both of them.

"We're her only friends." He said and Emir was silently snickering behind me.

"Only friends?" Elliot asked.

"Yes. Now who are you?" Tyler replied.

"Well, we, too are her only friends." Emir replied and they looked confused.

"They'll deal with this, let's go." El whispered to me and grabbed my hand as we started walking away from them, in the other direction.

"Are they really your friends?" He asked me.

"Kind of." I replied and we went inside.


The whole day at College was exhausting due to the amount of lectures we had to take and after dismissal, we left the building and got in the car.

"Are you coming with us or should we drop you at the mansion? I suggest coming with us." Emir asked.

"No, drop me at the mansion. I still have to deal with them." I replied.

Ten minutes later, we pulled up to the mansion and I got out of the car.

"See you tomorrow." I said as the twins waved me a bye.

"Bye. Take care." Elijah said and I nodded before turning around and walking away.

I entered the mansion and firstly saw Dylan there. His face cladded with concern before he saw me.

"Oh, thank God you're okay. How are you?" He said as he approached me with a sigh.

"Fine." Just as I said this, the others came out of nowhere and began their interrogation.

"Where were you, Rose?" Damien asked in his demanding voice, his hands in his pockets as he seemed weirdly calm.

"I guess I already said it last night." I tried to walk away but he grabbed my arm. My mood was good until I saw their faces.

"Business meetings don't last the whole night. Who were you with?" He asked, making me lose my cool. He really dared to point a finger on my character.

I harshly put my left foot on his left one, pressing it as hard as I could. He hissed in pain and let go of my arm.

"Please tell us, where you were last night? Please, Rose." Dylan said, almost begging.

"At a friend's house." I replied.

"But you said you don't have friends." He said confused yet sounding like he didn't trust me, which none of them did, anyways.

"You really trusted me? A liar?" I asked in a taunting manner and went upstairs shortly after.

Dylan's P.O.V

"She really doesn't trust us a bit, does she?" Ryan asked.

I felt bad. I still can't believe she's the same Rose she used to be all those years ago.

There was this one time when she would cry on small things and would shiver by just being yelled at, but now, she just beats or stabs anyone brutally and ruthlessly who even says anything bad to her or about her.

But then again, who is the cause of this? Who is the cause of her changing? Who made her change from a soft, shy, and timid girl to a cold, sarcastic, brutal and ruthless fighter? Who made her eyes, which were once filled with pure love towards everyone, change into eyes filled with hatred?

It's us. We broke her trust, and her heart. We shattered all her hopes and made her believe that she was unwanted, and there was nothing in this world for her. We made her believe that she was unworthy of any love. We are the reason she changed.



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