"And you, Lupin?" Pierre questioned, tilting his head to the side, "Have you ever had a thing for our dearest Lyra?"

"Briefly, last year," Remus admitted, his cheeks growing pink, "But it didn't go anywhere. She's a hard one to lockdown."

Lyra could feel the stare that Pierre was giving her. It was true; a lot of the group had a bit of a thing for the blonde. But nothing came out of any of them. She had kissed Marlene a few times and spent the night with Dorcas once, but nothing other than that. She tried to avoid dating in the friend group to prevent anything from getting weird. Especially if something went wrong, she didn't want to be the end of the Marauders.

"I do like a good challenge."


Every year after lunch, the group of the sixth-year Gryffindors would wander down to the village of Hogsmeade and see which Potter twin was the true Butterbeer master. Lyra would have her girls backing her while the boys sat on James's side, cheering him on and hyping his ego up. This year, however, Lyra was lucky enough to have a bit of testosterone on her side.

Pierre walked behind Lyra as the group strolled towards the small village, laughing and placing wagers on who would win. Some even began to gamble on how long it would take for James to throw up afterwards. It had grown from their own small family each year to quite the crowd. Younger students would catch wind of it and gathering around the Three Broomsticks to see the most notorious twins in the school battle it out.

Even some teachers discreetly found their way to the pub to watch it. McGonagall claimed she would never do such a thing, but everyone knew the sly professor would wander in her cat form, peering at the group. Lyra once had a student take a picture on a muggle camera to show the professor, but she continued to deny her presence.

"I give him ten minutes," Lily grinned as she laid her arm on Lyra's shoulder, "I know his tolerance, especially when nervous. He hasn't got a chance."

"Wow, Prongs, your girlfriend doesn't even have faith in you," Sirius quipped as he patted James's back, "Don't worry. I'll make sure Harpy doesn't stand a chance."

"Ah ah ah," Dorcas piped up, pointing her finger at the tall boy, "You know the rules. All wands are on the table. No magical interference. This is about strength and the will to win."

"Besides," Mary continued, "Remus agreed to watch everyone and ensure there is no wandless magic going on."

Sirius gawked at the tall brunette boy, who simply shrugged and raised his hands defensively. Lyra let out a small laugh as they wandered onto the streets of Hogsmeade, waving at regular patrons and a few younger students who watched them walk by. As they entered the pub, a line of Butterbeer had already been set up at their usual booth. Lyra dropped a few sickles onto the bar before sliding into her seat, giving James a challenging wink.

"You don't stand a chance," Lyra taunted, leaning on her elbows, "You've got less of a chance of winning this than Peter has lost his learning potions."

"Hey!" Pettigrew scoffed, "I know my potions."

"Right, and Sirius knows how to brush his hair," Lyra grinned, sending a scowl towards the Black boy, earning an obscene gesture in return, "Either way. You won't win."

"You sure Pierre won't distract you?" James grinned, his eyes twinkling, "Rumour has it you've got eyes for the new kid."

Lyra scoffed and glanced over at the french boy who sat beside her, his eyebrows raised. It was true that Lyra did fancy him a bit, but they had only known each other a week. Not to mention, with her history, she doubted it would go anywhere good. He was attractive, well-spoken, intelligent, and had a great sense of humour. But Lyra didn't like the idea of hurting herself through love again. It was easier to ignore it.

"Quit talking and start drinking," Marlene whined as she popped a chip into her mouth, "I think the first years watching will fall asleep if you keep rambling."

Lyra rolled her eyes before gripping the first chilled handle. Peter began the countdown, and the moment he finished, both Potters began the epic Butterbeer Battle. A server dropped off the basket of chips for each, and the younger of the two started eating first. A grin was spread across her face as she finished her last drink, popping the crispy potatoes into her mouth.

The crowd that had circled the two cheered and booed as their bets were either won or lost. Lyra had taken the lead by a substantial amount, leaving James trailing behind her. She swallowed the last chip, slammed her hands down on the table and let out a yell in victory. Lyra Potter bested her older twin brother for the third consecutive year in the infamous Butterbeer Battle, leaving him in shame while she basked in the glory.

"And that, witches and wizards," Lyra exclaimed, "Is how it's done."

Cheers continued to echo through the pub as the music began to play. Couples separated from the pack and started dancing while others hung around and chatted. Rounds of Butterbeer were served, and people clapped Lyra on the back. She grinned and took her seat once more, only lifting her eyes to meet the cold ones of Regulus Black again.

He sat alone, away from everyone, as he stared over at her. His eyes were calculated and terrifying, leaving Lyra confused about why he was even looking at her. From what she knew about the boy, he wasn't very social. So seeing him around the Three Broomsticks was an odd occurrence. She chalked it up to the castle, feeling off, not caring about why the younger Black brother was there.

She tore her gaze away, turning her head to Pierre. It was at that moment when Lyra felt a warm set of lips place themselves gently on hers. The crowd around them went nuts, but Lyra didn't hear a thing as his hand cupped her cheek. His fingers her light and gentle, brushing over her jaw and cheek as her eyes fluttered shut.

But a sinking feeling in her stomach let her know that two people in the room were staring at her with poison and disappointment. Their eyes match and hair alike. Despite their similarities, they resided in separate houses.

When Lyra separated from Pierre, her suspicions were confirmed. Regulus still stared at her with vicious intent, and Sirius looked at her as if she had kissed the Dark Lord himself.

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