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Sungchan ignored yangyang's lovesick sigh As he stared at Renjun who was across the cafeteria with the DJ he's watching.  he hasn't caught his name so he's stuck with calling him DJ until then.

After this morning's encounter, he came to the conclusion that he would just watch the DJ from afar but he will still need to bring him to hockey practice. Kun filled him in a few things and learned that the kid has dance practice an hour before his hockey practice. All he needed to do was drag him to the rink and make sit by the bleachers.

“seeing you so focused is scary ” mark pointed out, making sungchan flinch. He turned to where sungchan was looking and immediately sighed. So this was what haechan meant yesterday. He looked back at sungchan. “don't even think about it. Yuta is one thing but yuta with three overprotective best friends is something else”

Sungchan scrunged his nose. “what's that supposed to mean? ”

“I'm saying, if you end up hurting him, you'll only get hurt in the end”

Sungchan grunted, slamming his locker door shut. The students near him flinched while looking at him with wary looks. It didn't take much to understand that he was in a foul mood. Especially with how his eyes were burning with rage.
Everyone kept their distance as he was dressed in his hockey uniform. His hockey stick was present as he was gripping it with his free hand.

And the reason to was because of that dj who refused to come with him for hockey practice.

An hour ago he thought that going to the dance building and fetching the dj would be easy. But no! The moment he knocked on the door everyone in the practice room whipped their heads towards him. Yuta even had the audacity to call him an interruption and demanded that he wait until their practice was over. It was obvious yuta knew his intentions.

So he had to sacrifice forty minutes of his time waiting outside the practice room. Using his phone to entertain himself. He didn't ignore how yuta's loud voice of his discreetly insulting him. Lastly, he wonders why his brother with friends with the dude.

“you're still here? ”

Raising his head, sungchan came face to face With the dj. Fresh from practice with hair damp, face full of sweat, and shirt slightly damp. He placed his phone at the ledge where he was leaning. “yeah and what about it? ”

If there was a word Shotaro would use to describe the hockey player it would be rude. Like they just met yesterday and yet had the audacity to act like he was some type of burden that was throw at him. Which in reality isn't.

Shotaro laughed lightly, nodding his head. “nothing it's just that, I thought we wouldn't—you know try to get into each other's lives. Cause like you never explained to me why you're uh—”

“hung up on you? ” sungchan supplied for him which made Shotaro nod his head. “I'm not but I have to”

“and why exactly? ” Shotaro watched as sungchan suddenly pushed himself off the ledge to stand straight and walk towards him. He stepped back until his back hit the wall. He expected sungchan to trap him with his arm but got none as the taller settled on bending close to his height.

“because you're a little otter who needs to be protected from this safari”

An otter? This made shotaro scoff, clicking his tongue before he brought both of his hands to sungchan'S chest. He tried to push the taller off but it was useless as the taller was stronger. So he ended up settling them on sungchan'S chest. “I have saying for you. Underestimating someone based on their appearance is like looking into a hole expecting it to be empty only to find out a snake inside it. You end up being tricked and hurt in the end”

The audacity, sungchan thought. He was close to bringing his hands to the older's neck before the sound of the practice door opening and feeling of something hard hit his cheek.

Stumbling and falling to the floor, butt first, was not what sungchan expected when he planned on waiting here. He held his injured cheek, shallow breaths leaving his mouth as he stared at the person responsible for this, Nakamoto Yuta.

“Shotaro are you ok? ” yuta asked, inspecting the younger Up and down before shoving Shotaro behind him, glaring at sungchan. “didn't I tell you I would skin you— ”

“you don't even have a knife” yes, sungchan had the audacity to fuel the older's anger. He guessed yuta was about to launch at him it wasn't for the DJ who decided to intervene.

“yuta just drop it. We don't need another record before you graduate ” Shotaro glanced at sungchan. “and he's not worth our time anyway ”


Sungchan quickly dodged one of the newbies, Puck between his legs as he guided it to the goal. He raised his hockey stick before swinging it with great force, having the Puck slide with great force that nearly injured the goal keeper.

“what was that Jung!? ” skating inside the rink, their coach was trying hard to balance his obese body while making his was to sungchan who didn't respond. “you almost hit—what's his name again? ”

“that's Yangyang sir” mark was quick to their coach's side, giving a look at sungchan.

“right Yangyang but that isn't the point! What's wrong with you jung? You've been irritable since the newbies joined. Don't tell me you're being petty because—”

“I'm not being petty. I'm simply showing my best to motivate them. That's what a senior should do right? ” sungchan forced a smile before skating past his coach. “and don't worry coach. I won't be killing Yangyang... Yet” he whispered the last part before motioning Yangyang to pass the puck to him.

Mark stood beside their coach, flabbergasted after hearing the last part. He hoped that their coach didn't here it or sungchan would be benched. Again!

“watch over him lee” their coach had a grim expression on his face. “I know that look and if you remember what happened to your brother, I suggest you separate them”


Hi :) Mark be stressed in this book

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