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" the mitochondria  is the powerhouse of the cell thus we will say it is the most important part of the cell" renjun argues, picking up his science book and opening to the page of the animal cells parts

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

" the mitochondria  is the powerhouse of the cell thus we will say it is the most important part of the cell" renjun argues, picking up his science book and opening to the page of the animal cells parts. he pointed to the image of the mitochondria. " it's not the vacuoles"

shotaro simply hums, highlighting that part in his own book. he didn't bother to join donghyuck's and renjun's debate on whether the vacuoles or the mitochondria is the most important part of the cell.  he needed to study for their biology class. his teacher happened to love conducting quizzes after every experiment. the most recent one being about the cells found in your saliva.

"people will fight what they think is right no matter how people say it is wrong. however, what is right depends on its basis" he simply mumbles. it was another saying he thought of the moment. 

beside him was jaemin who was having too much fun watching the two friends now start to bicker. it became hilarious as the two started taking out their books and using it to push on their idea. jaemin lets out a screech that resounds the classroom while clapping his hands like a seal as renjun had enough of donghyuck's barter and started to hit him with his science book all rolled out.  classic donghyuck wouldn't back down as he too rolled his own science book and started hitting renjun.

Shotaro raises his head and turning it to where renjun and donghyuck were fighting. cringing his nose, he turns to jaemin who looked like he was having the best time in his life. "aren't we going to stop them?"

jaemin shakes his head no, still clapping. "it's free entertainment" he muses before cheering on renjun who had donghyuck in a chokehold.

shotaro would beg to differ. donghyuck, despite the great odds, was their class president with renjun being their vice president. jaemin was their secretary while he forgot who their treasurer was. lastly, he was their public information officer or pio. not only that but renjun and donghyuck are on their last string of hope before they end up being kicked out. something that similarly happened to one of their seniors. 

and because their biology teacher, who usually has her classes in her lab, was near the door. 

"good morning- mister lee and huang what do you think you two are doing?" having been warned by their adviser for their 'barbaric' attitudes, she looked at the two with confused eyes. "mister huang please let go of mister lee and go back to your seats. don't make me let you shake hands"

the last part made the class snort, giving teasing looks to the two who glares them shut. everyone except and jaemin and shotaro who were chuckling in their seats.

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