Chapter 22: Ice in The Dark

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Otherworld. – South District: Dark Light Palace.

*Moments later*

-Jenah's POV-

You are inside your room while looking at the gardens from the palace through your balcony. The anger you had inside went away as soon as you left the library some moments ago, but the damage made to your heart wasn't healing anytime soon.

It was so exciting to know that Sanha can become more powerful, and at the same time, learn other things from his hidden power; however, everything got ruined once you started to question Rocky about the book he was reading. You are still upset and hurt for what he was trying to do, and it wasn't believable until you saw the book with spells and symbols that can "stop," more like kill, an Oprix.

Right now, you are still tearing up. There's a deep wound to heal. Caused by the person you trusted the most. It honestly confused you to see the book between his hands and how he got the guts to tell you that he wanted to stop you if something went wrong. At that moment, you realized that Park Minhyuk didn't believe in you, and he doesn't trust you as he once told you.

-I never saw you cry before. – You heard your father say.

-Oh, sorry. I thought I was alone. – You sadly said.

-I just came to see if you needed anything. I guess your mother should have come instead of me; after all, she's better with these matters than me. – Your father smiled.

You softly snickered before looking at him. -It's alright. You can also help if you want to, father. – You mentioned while wiping the tears falling from your eyes.

-If that's so, I want to be here to calm you down. – Your father kindly said, which you nodded for in response. He got next to you as both continued to look at the scenery from the balcony.

-Did Park Minhyuk asked you to be here? – You suddenly asked, knowing that your father came for other reasons.

-Something like so. Prince Park is a good man. And I'm sure that he doesn't mean to hurt you. – Your father assured.

-Park Minhyuk said he wanted to stop me, and the symbols on that book were to kill somebody. I know those emblems; that's how they killed my people years ago. – You claimed, feeling nostalgic while remembering the days of the war.

-Maybe the Prince wasn't looking at those. – Your father suggested.

-Father, I saw the pages, and they got loaded with them. – You pointed out.

-Dear, remember that an inheritor of Nix can make new symbols by changing other ones that already exist. – Your father told you.

-I'm aware of it, father. But there are thousands of books; why did Park Minhyuk had to pick that one? – You spoke, feeling unsettled by remembering what happened at the library. -Anyway, now that you are here, can I ask you something? – You inquired before looking at your father.

By the Wind: Secret Land || Park Minhyuk (S1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang