Chapter 11: Rose Of Origins

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Otherworld. – Dandelion's District: Sunlight Forest.

*Next morning*

-Jenah's POV-

The surroundings appear blurry; you can't recognize anything. Pure darkness takes over your eyes, and at the end of the road, a single light shines brightly. It is a blue-toned spark, which somehow was emitting a sound. You got closer to it and tried to hear what type of sound it's making, but when you close enough, its form got more evident. The figure resembles a star made with water particles. And the noise it emits symbolizes the waves of the ocean. Your curiosity to touch the object made you straighten your hand to the front. But before you could do so, different symbols showed in the dark. Each figure appeared one by one; however, they quickly faded as you attempted to see the strokes on each one.

You wanted to understand more about the symbols and how it relates to the star you previously saw. So, you returned your view to the water figure that keeps shining with a blue light. However, it seems like it has a snowflake inside it, but you can hardly tell since it looks blurry. Carefully, you tried to reach out to touch it, and there's when everything started to get covered in violet color, the same tone of the dark magic you hold.

You moved your head back and ford, as you felt wet touches on your head. The sensation immediately caused you to open your eyes and get up in a matter of seconds. You rested your back against the wall while looking around, feeling exalted after waking up from what appears to resemble a dream.

-Hey, hey! Calm down. – Rocky said while looking at you, concerned. He has a wet towel on his hand, sitting right next to you while resting on the bed.

-What happened? What's going on? – You asked while blinking your eyes a few times.

-You were asleep, and it seems you were dreaming and couldn't wake up. I called you many times, but you didn't reply, then you started to sweat and call Sylvia's name. – Rocky calmly explained.

-Alright. Thanks for your help. – You said before clearing out your throat, then you sat on the edge of the bed before standing up.

-Careful! – Rocky said as soon as he saw you losing your balance, instantly holding your arm to give you some support.

-I'm all right! It was only a mishap, don't worry. – You claimed before standing on your feet, shortly getting away from Rocky.

-Jen, I know you barely woke up, but we need to talk about our next move. – Rocky mentioned.

-I know, I wasn't planning on staying either. We have to get to the Front Lines before The Queen's patience runs out; I'm pretty sure she won't stop until we meet again. – You disclosed while putting your coat on, then placing your Shard on your left boot.

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