Chapter 10: Another Goodbye

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Otherworld. - Dandelion's District: Sacred Leaf Fort.

-Rocky's POV-

I turned my head towards the left as soon as I heard Jenah yell. The scene in front of my eyes made me stop all movements and focus on the current situation. Immediately, I ran towards Jenah as the demons started to disappear.

-Jenah. – I looked at her, concerned. I placed my hand on her back, trying to keep her there to secure her life. She looks beaten up, blood showing through the wounds over her body as she continues to cry for Sylvia.

-Show yourself! How do you know who I am? Why you did this? Answer me! – Jenah shouted with all her lungs while tears kept running down her cheeks, wanting to stand up.

-Jen, stop! You are going to bleed more. - I worriedly expressed, holding her back with my hand.

There's when I noticed an aura, a rare one. There's a Demon Master around, watching over Jenah. Without hesitation, I glanced around before grabbing Jenah's shard and making a symbol that breaks every disguise barrier.

-You thought I would show my face? – The Demon Master laughed.

He has a mask.

-What do you want? Why did you make this? – Jenah angrily asked.

Eventually, she stood up with the last piece of strength she had and attempted to attack the Demon Master with her powers.

-Jen, Jen, calm down! – I worriedly said before holding her between my arms. But she pushed me away while sobbing, still looking full of rage.

-Ah! How unfortunate, Prince. It seems that Jenag doesn't have the same heart for you. – The Demon Master spoke, a sound of enjoyment on his voice. -I'm sorry, Oprix. You have to let your powers grow and show their real potential. There's a desire you haven't fulfilled since you returned to the Otherworld, but I'll help you find it even though I have to kill everybody. Jenah, you will return; I know it. – The Demon Master disclosed, immediately making me realize that he knows more things about Jenah's past life.

-You bastard! – Jenah cried before getting on her knees.

-Take it as a lesson, Oprix. Have a good day in the Otherworld. – The Demon Master scoffed before vanishing, then another round of demons started to arrive.

-Everyone! Get inside! – An angel said while looking at everybody, pointing at the fort.

Right now, everyone is weak. These demons are strong, and they can't keep up with them.

-Sylvia. – I heard Jenah cry, causing me to stare back at her.

She was there, holding her friend's hand. I could see that the bond mark is still fading, meaning that the most painful part is happening in front of me. Gradually, I tried to get close to Jenah, not knowing what to do to help her. But before I could do anything, some demons began to come at us. Instantly, I took my sword tightly and stood up. The beasts crawled fast, so I took the shard and drew a barrier symbol. I created one as I began to slide my sword across the demon's flesh, trying to kill them as fast as I could. But since I'm not using all my abilities, it's hard to keep up with so many demons.

By the Wind: Secret Land || Park Minhyuk (S1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora