Waverly closed her eyes. "I may have been a little frustrated during my time in the castle."

"A little," Nicole said. "Glad to have helped relieve your frustration. Do you need water? I'm seriously thirsty."

She turned to find Waverly fast asleep on her arm, easing herself from under her head, stopping by the bathroom on route to the kitchen. "You are one lucky, lucky gal," she said to the mirror, straightening her hair a little. "So, so lucky. Merry Christmas to me."

Her happiness was short-lived as the wizard's face stared back at her. "You think you've defeated me. You and your trusted companions. Let her sleep for many years and let me watch your many tears."

"Fuck off," Nicole yelled. "She's not yours. She's free of you. This is my world, she's in my world now so back off creep."

Nicole heard the wizard's laugh as his face disappeared from the mirror, rushing to the bedroom to check on Waverly. Still asleep, a peaceful look on her face, she decided to leave her, not wake her, not play into the wizard's mind fuck. Returning with two glasses of water, she placed one on Waverly's side, climbing back on the bed, an uneasiness rising, her hand reaching out to gently shake Waverly. "Hey, I got you some water. You okay?"

Waverly lay motionless on the bed, her eyes shut, her breathing shallow. "Waverly please, wake up. He can't win. He can't."

Shaking her a little more firmly she roused, one eye opening then the other. "Sorry, must have dozed off. Water did you say?"

"Are you feeling okay?" Nicole asked, concerned eyes looking for any signs of the wizard's handy work.

"A little tired. Not used to so much..."

"And, you're okay?"

Waverly hauled herself up. "Yes, why?"

"Nothing. I'm going to say something now, and I know it's way too soon, and I know we've only just met, but I love you. I thought I knew what love was. I didn't. And all this, it's the best thing that's ever happened to me. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

Waverly leaned over, placing a kiss on Nicole's forehead. "And I love you. I waited for you. Oh, oh..."

"Oh God, not the chilli again. Not sure I could take another session just yet."

"No. It's...it's my wings. My wings, I can feel them again."

Nicole studied Waverly's back, the scars still present, no wings visible. "When you say feel them."

"I'd heard love had the power to restore them. Oh my, I've missed them so much."

"Okay, only I can't see them."

"They will take time to grow back. Thank you, thank you."

"And, other than your wings, you're feeling okay?" Nicole pressed. "No aches, or pains?"

"A little discomfort."

"Where?" Nicole asked, her voice strained. "You're not coming down with a fever, or anything?"

"No," Waverly replied. "You seem worried. What troubles you my love?"

"You know, hearing you say those two words makes my heart soar."

"My love. And, I will continue to say them for all our days. But, what troubles you?"

"The thought of losing you. The thought of this, us, not lasting. I'm being silly."

Waverly took Nicole's face in her hands. "It is not silly. I too worry the wizard will find us, come for me."

"He'll have to get past me," Nicole replied. "Hey, let's go see a movie. I think you'll enjoy it."

The Slipper & The Magic Mirror (WAYHAUGHT)Where stories live. Discover now