
"It being winter and dark. But, the lights, the sparkle in the eyes of those I saw, the happiness of people passing us, I realised the wizard's power does not extend that far."

Nicole wanted to tell Waverly of her final encounter with the wizard, this swan guy, deciding she had suffered enough at his hands. Taking Waverly in her arms she hugged her, the only thing she knew how, as much to comfort herself as the person now in her life. They spent the night wrapped in each other's arms on the couch, Nicole listening to Waverly's soft snore, in love with everything this curious creature did and said.

She couldn't believe her luck. Here she was, a few days away from December 25th, contemplating how to spend her life with someone who not twenty four hours before had not existed to her. The luck of having friends turn up in New York, the luck of one of those friends buying them last-minute tickets to a show where Waverly would perform, the luck of being chosen to take on the quest of rescuing the person in her arms.

As the sun rose on a new day the couple were still entwined, Nicole's back hurting a little from the position in which she had slept, not that she would ever complain. Gently shaking her sleeping princess, she suggested she might like to spend a few hours in bed, Waverly nodding her head, her eyes still closed as Nicole led her to the bedroom. Leaving the door open, she headed to the kitchen to make herself a strong coffee, turning on the TV, muting the sound so as not to disturb Waverly, flicking through the channels for something to watch silently. Choosing a black and white movie, one she had seen before, she sipped her black coffee, attempting to follow the action on the screen, remembering Waverly's super-cute assumption that the actors, the people in the TV must be fairies given their size.

It really was like having a child in an adult body. And boy, was that an adult body, trying not to think about Waverly's naked form standing before her. As she brought her attention back to the screen, her eyes fell on a man entering the room in the film, almost spitting out her coffee. The actor moved to the centre of the screen staring directly at her, his lips moving, Nicole grabbing the remote to hear what the wizard had to say.

"Nicole Rayleigh Haught, you think you have outsmarted me. You think you have won the quest and claimed the fairy princess as your prize. Well, let me tell you this, your quest is not over. She is mine. Forever."

No sooner had the wizard finished speaking the film resumed, the volume higher than Nicole expected, turning it down, her mouth still open at what had just happened. As she tried to process the wizard's intrusion she heard Waverly crying out from the bedroom, rushing to her side. "He's here," she said, half asleep. "I heard his voice. He's come for me."

"Hush, my darling, it was my fault. I put the TV on too loud. He's not here. He can't get you."

"Stay," Waverly pleaded, her eyes remaining closed. "In case he finds me."

"He won't. You're safe. Rest. I won't go anywhere."

Nicole lay down next to Waverly, stroking her hair, reassuring her the wizard held no power in this world, all the while thinking the opposite. Her phone woke her several hours later, Robin wanting to know where they would meet, still buzzing after their night of adventure. Nicole wanted to tell him about the weird thing that happened during the film, deciding it best to wait till she saw him face-to-face, preferably without Waverly hearing.

They decided on a place both of them knew, serving vegan food, Nicole hoping there would be enough on the menu to accommodate Waverly's tastes, wondering if there were restaurants in New York serving dandelions. Something to google, she thought, as she returned to the bedroom. Waverly was still asleep, the sound of her breathing something Nicole knew she would never grow tired of. Climbing back into bed, her fingers traced the outline of Waverly's spine through her top, eliciting a soft moan from the sleeping beauty.

Before she could stop herself her fingers moved to the ridge on one side of Waverly's backbone, tracing where a fairy wing would have been, her eyes filling at the cruelty of the act of removing such a beautiful appendage. "I'm sorry," she whispered, as she continued to stroke Waverly's back. "I want to destroy him for what he's done to you."

"I am used to it," Waverly replied. "I too am sorry for scaring you."

"No, no. It was just...I didn't mean to react. I can't imagine what it must have been like for you."

"I am ugly. Without my wings."

"No, no. God, no. You're beautiful. More than beautiful. Your scars are part of you."

"But, I saw your eyes."

"Waverly, look at me," Nicole begged, waiting for her bed fellow to face her. "You are the most beautiful person I have ever met. There is no ugliness. I feel connected to you in a way I've never felt before, with anyone."

"But, without wings."

"Without wings."

"And my scars do not disgust you?"

"Why would they?"

Waverly turned away. "Perhaps you do see what is not there."

Nicole placed a hand on Waverly's back. "Can I...would you let me..."

Waverly nodded, lifting the top of the PJs over her head, her body tense at the thought of another seeing where her wings once were. Nicole's fingers brushed lightly over her right scar, Waverly's muscles reacting instinctively, twitching as they would had her wing still been there. Nicole's lips pressed against her, kissing a soft path down her back, repeating it on the other side, tears falling at the symbolic gesture. "If I could heal you," Nicole said. "I would. I would see to it you had your wings. But, you are beautiful with, or without them. And, I will kiss your back every day for all the days we are together."

Waverly turned over, holding Nicole in her arms, sobbing into her chest. "Thank you. Thank you. I feared you might not want me because of what he did to me."

"My God, Waverly, I want you more. That bastard deserves some of his own medicine."

With just enough time to buy Waverly a new outfit, they arrived at the restaurant where they were meeting Jeremy and Robin, both couples greeting each other with hugs, Robin trying not to explode with excitement. Sitting in one of the booths, cocktails ordered, they chatted about their night of fun in the world behind the mirror, Robin adamant he did the right thing eating the apple pie, Jeremy recounting his time digging out gold nuggets for the goblins.

"They're actually not that bad when you get to know them," Jeremy said, sipping his margarita. "Decent and hard-working. I said I would help them with an investment plan for all their wealth. Although not sure if I ever want to set foot inside that world."

"I'm so ready to go back," Robin said. "I never got to see that much," rolling his eyes as Nicole mimed him falling into his pie. "Yes, tres humorous. That was some pie."

"I promised you all the burgers you could eat, remember."

"I'm so hungry," Robin replied. "I could eat a whole cow."

The shocked look on Waverly's face told Nicole she believed what Robin was saying. "No, no, he doesn't mean he'll eat a whole animal. Jeremy could you help me with the drinks?"

"But, I thought it was table service here," Jeremy replied. "Oh, yes. Be right back."

Leaving Robin and Waverly to chat, Jeremy followed Nicole to the bar, far enough away to be out of earshot. "Okay, deep breath. The wizard was in my TV."

Jeremy stared at her. "The guy who locked us in the room."

Nicole nodded. "I don't think this is over."

"What did he say?"

"Okay. Firstly, the fact you're not freaking out is a good sign. Secondly, he wants Waverly back."

"He's not getting her. We beat him once, we'll beat him again."

"I haven't told her."

"Best not. Not until we work out our new game plan."

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