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I finally got to talk to Finn's Aunt. She's as lovely as I imagined her to be. I really like her. I think I like her more than I like Finn. She's such a sweetheart. But I can't help but be envious of Finn whenever the two of them talk. Her warmth reminds me of the woman I loved the most.

She reminds me of my mother.

My mother used to be like her. If not, she's much kind and warm than Janna, Finn's Aunt. She used to be my role model.

But that was before she met my step-father.

Finn offered to walk me home. He insisted. And like the usual, he'll leave as soon as we're only three streets away from my house. 

I wanted so bad to run after him and beg him to help me move out. But I don't have the courage to do that. At least not yet.

As soon as I opened the door, my eyes met his. He stood up and told me to go inside my room, And I did everything he told me to. 

He didn't even bother asking me where I went, or how's my day, just like how I envisioned fathers or step-fathers will do to their daughters. But instead, he did what he always does. And just like before, I couldn't even do anything. Not even scream.

I remember doing it before. I remember the first time I screamed for help. Mom was the only one who heard me. As soon as I saw her at the doorway that time, I was relieved...all because I thought she was there to save me.

But all she did was watch.

Just like me, she can't do anything but accept the fate I have.

I closed my eyes as he busied himself inside me. When he finished, I kept them close. Even after I heard the door closed. Even after I heard my mother cry. Even after I heard bottles crashing on the wall.

I closed my eyes and hugged my legs.

And just like before, I didn't do anything after that.

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