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I ran from home today.

Well, it's not like I'm not going to come back. I just need a moment to process things. Mom came back with my step-father after a week of disappearance but I didn't bother asking how are they and where they've been. And it's not like they'll answer.

So I decided to leave our house for tonight. 

I spent an hour staring at the sky. For some reason, the darkness and loneliness brought me comfort.

But now I declare that the only person that can ruin my peace, aside from my parents, is Finn.

He stood in front of me, looking down, curious as to why I'm here at the park, alone, with mosquitos biting me. He tilted his head to the side.

"Hi," he said. 

I didn't answer. Although I wanted to ask why does he keep on appearing whenever I want to have peace. And does he want anything from me? Because I don't know him. And he's acting as if we've known each other for years judging by the way he sat beside me, his knees brushing against mine. I furrowed my brows and moved away from him.

"What do you want?"

He shrugged.

"Nothing, really," he said, "I just want someone to talk to. I hate silence"

"Well, you got the wrong person, kid"

He smiled, "How old are you?"


"I just turned twenty-one...that means I'm older than you. So I should be calling you kid"

I didn't answer him.

Maybe if I stopped answering him, he'll leave me alone. Jokes on me, he didn't.

"Are you trying to be friends with me?"

"Do you do friends?" he asked back. I stared at him for a couple of seconds before shaking my head. 


"Then I'm not trying to be friends with you"

I wanted to walk away from him, like what I did when we first met. But when I looked at his eyes, I saw the emotion that I'm awfully familiar with.


And so that night, I let him pester me. He's quite funny and very talkative, I almost sew his mouth just to have a minute of silence. 

And for the first time, I didn't mind having someone by my side.

Leave Before You Love Me (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now