C H A P T E R 1 2

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Ha! That's right! This is my new move—no! More like my new dance! Hahahaha! How dare you make a bet about making me your damn concubine?! You will regret it forever in your life because I will slice your dick right now! Hahahaha! Have a taste of my might.

Liu Xiao was poised to take his inaugural step when he inadvertently trod on his robe and stumbled, planting his face onto the solid white jade of the arena. Onlookers gazed upon him, their expressions awash with astonishment, as if they had witnessed an event never meant for their eyes, an image that would haunt them for life. Moments later, Liu Xiao rose gingerly, a whimper escaping him as he emitted a faint groan, his eyes clenched shut while he tenderly massaged his nose.

Fuck, it hurts! Who made this arena? Anyone could pass out if they hit their head here! And it was fucking embarrassing! Why do I have to trip like that in front of fifty thousand cultivators? I want to bury myself right now because of embarrassment!

The maiden announcer was biting her lips, attempting to maintain her composed expression; Mo Xian was quietly chuckling; Tian Lang was massaging his temples; Bai Lan was coughing forcefully behind them; and Wu Qingge's somber expression remained, though it eased slightly when he witnessed Liu Xiao stumble.

"Ahem!" Liu Xiao cleared his throat loudly, prompting the others to correct their conduct. He cast a glance at Lan Yang, who was staring at him in astonishment. Picking up his sword from the ground, Liu Xiao declared, "It wasa warm-up." I can't think of any excuse, so I just say whatever was on my mind, but this is the most unbelievable excuse ever! Who would believe I tripped and say it was a warm-up?!

"R-Right. It was a warm-up."

"Yeah. The Rising Star Meihua would never trip like that."

"You're right....."

"But he looked like he tripped, though."

Lan Yang snorted and drew the large sword from his back. In contrast to Liu Xiao's slender and sharp blade, Lan Yang's weapon was a two-handed sword adorned with an unusual pattern on the hilt and his name etched into the black blade. Taking a deep breath, Liu Xiao closed his eyes and assumed a pose reminiscent of a swan, gracefully ascending into the air.

As he rose, Liu Xiao's spiritual qi manifested as plum blossom petals, swirling around him and expanding outward. The spectacle captivated everyone's attention, including Lan Yang's, as Liu Xiao performed an aerial dance, brandishing his sword with delicate precision.

Before the crystal barrier materialized, Lan Yang's boisterous voice echoed, "Hahahahahaha! Tonight, I shall share my bed with the beautiful Meihua Swan! What a delight!" Wu Qingge's expression darkened further as she clutched the crystal railing tightly, her grip causing small fragments to fall and clink faintly upon the ground.

With eyes aflame with desire, Lan Yang launched an aggressive assault. Liu Xiao, however, remained serene with his eyes closed, attuned to the spiritual qi around him. Sensing an imminent surge of bloodlust, he elegantly pivoted his body in a dance-like evasion of Lan Yang's blade. When Lan Yang attempted to grasp Liu Xiao's waist with his hands, Liu Xiao deftly countered with a swift stroke of his sword, inflicting a deep gash on Lan Yang's wrist. The audience watched in hushed silence as the two combatants engaged; their duel resembled that of a butterfly evading a frog in a tranquil pond.

"Wow, Liu Xiao is dancing. Even if he's a man, he looks so feminine and beautiful."

"He really will be a good male concubine."

"Shh! Liu Xiao despises hearing those words!"


"Yeah, look! Even if he's dancing gracefully, every move he makes is full of bloodlust!"

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