Chapter 1

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"No! You can't make me father!" You shouted at your father while you mother praying in the other room hearing the argument happen. "You will marry that boy whether you like it or not!" your father shouted as he was about to slap you. You didn't react at the right time and he slapped at your face very hard leaving a red mark on your cheek. You fell to the ground a your father looked down at you "You are marrying that man or else." he said before walking away. Your mother ran to you as she helped you get up an get ic for your cheek. You didn't want to marry that man, he touched you spots you were not comfortable with and you couldn't say anything but push him away, but led you to fighting with your father.


That very same night you thought hard about the marriage you were forced in and thought that you needed to run away form home. As much as you wanted stay because of your mother you needed to do it. You didn't want to live in a horrible marriage with a horrible man. You packed a bag with some of your kimonos and some rice balls to eat. Then you went to find your mother to tell her. "Mother?" you whispered finding you mother sitting on the engawa sobbing silently. "I have something I need to tell you." you started as you sat beside her "I was thinking.... of... Running away..." your mother looked a bit surprised but then realized it would be best "Darling... I respect you idea and I don't want you to live in this life..i want you to marry a good man! So please run away! For my sake please!" your mother pleaded as she started to cry. "I will mother! I will!" you hugged her and sobbed quietly together sharing your last moments together.


You ran through the village in the death of night hoping to find a new place to go. You ended up crossing paths with the forbidden forest, a forest that whoever dares entered never was heard from again so they forbidden people to enter it. Then again you were focused on running away from home you didn't know you entered the forest but after 10 minute of running you were tired. You looked around to find light or a path that leads you to a new village or some place safe.

"There must be some kind of signal or path for me to find." you said looking around

"I'll have to light a match its too dark for me too see." you then reached for the lantern you had and lit a match and then it lit the lantern.

All of a sudden you felt a strange presence close by, you get shivers going down your spine. You look around waving th latenr to see if anyone was there, no one. You get something go past behind you, you turned to see what it was. Nothing. You were freaked out, you didn't know what to do or what was again on.

"Hello?! Is someone there?" you said slightly shouting while waving the lantern around.

You thought it was just nonsense an decided you keep looking for a path out of the forest but then... Something attacks you from behind. Like an animal digging its teeth into your left shoulder from behind. You yelped when you first felt the pain the monster first bit into you, now you were full on screaming like bloody murderer screaming. You didn't know what to do. You dropped the lantern as the monster dug it's nails into your arms to hold you form running away or falling. You were scared, terrified, and didn't know what to do. Then a thought came across your mind, 'At least... I'd get to be in a safer place.. ' you thought completely giving up hope.

But then some sliced the monsters head off and it's arms as you fell to the ground gasping for air a your shoulder was bleeding out. You caught a glinps of the person who saved you an you notice in the moon light they had beautiful rainbow eyes very unique eyes, but that was all after that you fell unconscious.


Oh there's more ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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You woke up in a strange unfamiliar room. You felt pain on your left shoulder as you looked around the room and sat up a bit. You noticed that room was quite large and beautiful and clean much nicer than your old home. You layed back down because you felt sleepy until someone opened the door. "Ah! I see your awake!" you looked at the person who was speaking and you noticed it was the same person who saved you from the attack you had. "What is your name Missy" he said with slight cheerfulness in his voice. "M-my name is.. Y/N...Y/N L/N" you said with pain in your voice because of the attack.

"Wow! What a pretty name. My name is Douma an you are in my Temple!" the man knowed as Douma said

"Oh.. I'm so sorry if I intruded.. You see.. I was running away from home.. And I got attacked" you said feeling a bit guilty

"Tsk Tsk Tsk. No need to be so upset you are welcome here!" Douma said in a happy mood

"I'll be taking care of you from now on. I couldn't just have let you stay die in in that forest with that demon." douma said but you were confused

"Demon?" you said curiously what he was talking about

"Oh! Yes demons the creature that attacks you last night. I save you your welcome by the way" douma said smiling with his eyes

You couldn't help but look at his beautiful unique eyes they were just so flashy and...pretty! You thought they were the most prettiest kind of eyes you ever saw. "Hello?? Y/N Chan?" douma said waving his hand toward your eyes so you could snap out and back into reality.

"Huh?! Oh my god I'm so sorry! I just couldn't help but stare.." you said nervously looking down( you are in a sitting position btw)

"Stare? At what?" he said

"Uh well.. Your eyes they are very.. Unique and beautiful.." you said lookin up at him nervously

"Aww! Is that why Y/N Chan looks so nervous. I didn't know if you were being cute or adorable" he said teasingly that got your cheek red HOT

"Y/N Chan is blushing how cute!" douma said smiling. At this point you wanted to pass out of how flushed you were. "I'm..not..that cute.." you mumbled

"Oh well of course you are I think your very pretty!" douma smiled brighter at you and you looked at him and smiled

"Do you relay intend on keeping me? As a roommate? Or something?" you questioned to him

"Of course! How could I let a pretty girl like you go. There are many bad men out these days trying to get pretty woman like you" douma said reassuring that you will be all right and safe

"Really?! Thank you douma!" you hugged the man an he was a bit surprised but hugged back.

"Anytime Y/N Chan.. I'll keep you safe.. "

End of chapter 1 WAIT FOR CHAPTER 2 soon

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