"Take our lovely (Y/N) back to a more comfortable place than here. She deserves the nicest necessities before the wedding," Azula cooed and gave you one more kiss, before leaving.
"Oh (Y/N), how much we missed you!" Ty Lee squealed and hugged you tightly, making you blush and stammer as she kissed you.

"You're the only bearable thing that happened in this journey, so... cute," Mai mumbled, giving a small smirk and picked you up by your waist. You squealed as she threw you over her shoulder.
"Are you excited for us to be back together (Y/N)? Because after this," Mai walked with Ty Lee down the halls of the chamber.

"You'll be part of the Fire Nation as a wife,"


Opening the door to the house, Toph, Sokka, and Aang walked inside to look around.
"Momo!" Aang smiled as Momo jumped on his shoulder.
"There's no one else here," Toph said as she senses for anyone.
"They are in trouble! I knew it!" Aang said as Sokka cursed at himself for not taking. This more seriously for you and his sister.

"Oh, no," Just then, Toph lifted her head up.
"Wait! Someone's at the door," The door was knocked on and Toph smiled.
"Actually, I know who it is. It's an old friend of mine. Glad to see you're okay," Toph opened the door to reveal your mother and Iroh standing there, with Twig running in and hopping on Aang's shoulder.

"We need your help,"


You laid against the bed, laying in a very fancy room, but it wasn't your taste at all.
"I never really thought I would see Azula again, yet, she always did had a weird obsession with me," You said to yourself.
"I hope Twig is okay, he ran with Momo so he's safe... I know he is," You sighed and pressed your head against the pillow.

"Azula hasn't changed at all, still the one who's in charge," You huffed, a small smile on your face as a blush crawled up to your ears.
"Maybe... I should agree to be with them- No!!" You quickly sat up and banged your head against the wall.
"What are you saying (Y/N)? I need to find Katara and the Gaang!" You shook your head and got off the bed.

Legs bound too, you crawled over to the door and used your head to try and open the door, but it was not budging.
"Great," You sighed and scooted yourself to the window, which was also sealed shut. Blowing a raspberry, you rubbed your wrists and ankles against the cuffs, trying to see if it's possible to be free.

"I may not be able to bend metal, but I do how to escape cuffs," You grinned as you took a deep breath, before laid on your back with the cuffs pressing onto the ground.
"Be careful or else you'll be cooked chicken rooster," You mumbled as you felt the ground heat up from your bending of lava, and you hissed at the pain on your hands and legs.

"Come on," You groaned, until the snap of the cuffs made you sit up instantly and get up. The cuffs melt into the lava, and you closed your fists to ease the pain.

"Not the first time, or the last time I hurt myself on purpose," You mumbled, and looked outside to see if there was any sign for help.
"The Dai Li are out spying on the palace, I just need to find the underground catacombs that Azula mentioned before," You said and felt the ground, trying to sense for anything.

"There it is," You said as you felt movement underneath. You bended the ground to reveal a makeshift staircase.
"Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee might've been my "girlfriends" back then, but I have people who truly care," You said and you jumped down, running and making through the tunnel.

"Ones who I truly care and will protect like my father did with me," You said and grabbed a rock, tuning it into lava to defend yourself with.

"I failed to save my family, I'm not going to fail my new family,"

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