17 [Heading Home]

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I couldn't wait to get back home; to see the children and to call my parents I might have been adopted and found out who my real parents were but that didn't change a thing with my parents who raised me. 

One thing was for sure was the Newgates sure knew how to give a breakfast party before Kid, Law and I head back to the mansion; it was really nice for them to do that, they did so much keeping me safe from my psychotic cousin Ameria. The breakfast was filled with smiles and laughs especially between Kid and Luffy it was extremely entertaining watching them bicker back and forth about  who was better at fighting and things like that, Nami couldn't stop talking about when the wedding should be planned but I could help but laugh and blush with her as we talked along with Camie; Law spoke with Marco sharing different medical methods they they use while the other boys were just chatting with each other with Vivi, Robin and Koala while Pops laughed joyfully with this group being here this morning it was an interesting household but it was one where you just felt at home right away.

After the breakfast we all said our goodbyes before getting into Kid's car, Law sat in the backseat with me as Kid started the car and started driving back to the house; I sighed with a small smile on my face as I leaned my head against Law's shoulder as he wrapped a arm around my shoulder.

"Get some extra sleep, it'll be a while before we reach the house" Law said as he looked slightly at me seeing I was trying to keep my eyes open since I was still tired.

"Okay" I whispered before I slowly found myself falling back asleep with just the faint sounds of Law and Kid's voice's talking to each other as we drove back to the house.

I don't know how long I was out but the next thing I knew I was waking up by being gently shook by Law who was whispering in my ear for me to wake up; slowly opening my eyes being blinded for a moment I stretched a bit before looking up at him seeing him smiling.

"We almost home?" I asked as I looked outside the window.

"Almost princess" Kid spoke up I knew he was smirking with the nickname he gave me which made me smile.

Soon the sight of the house came to my eyes which made me smile more while my heart pounded with excitement knowing that everything was going to be alright from here on out, placing my hand on my necklace I couldn't help but keep my smile on my face just thinking all of this started with just this small necklace. 

Kid parked the car in front of the house turning it off; both him and Law stepped out of the car with me following behind them, coming back here was nice knowing everything was going to be alright now. We all walked up to the door and opened it heading back inside, I couldn't help my small smile that was on my face still as Kid closed the door before he whistled loudly which hurt my ears but the sound of foot steps running through the house came to my ears which made me smile even more knowing it was the children.

The boys couldn't help but chuckle hearing their foot steps coming down in a hurry; Kid stepped in front of me hiding me from the children which made me giggle for the surprise when they foot steps came in to the room.

"Dad!" they all said at the same time with bright smiles on their faces for sure.

"Hey kiddo's" Kid said as he smiled at them.

"We brought someone home" Law said making Kid step aside from me letting the children see me smiling at them.

They all gasped in surprised before they all ran over to me; I kneeled down opening my arms wide for them all to come give me a group hug as I wrapped my arms around them all holding them close.

"We miss you" Chiaki said with a bright smile.

"And I've missed all of you too" I side as I looked at each one of them.

"Welcome home, my lady your things will be returned to the master's room" the butler spoke up once he came into view for all of us.

"Thank you" I said as I stood up with the children still around me excited I'm back.

"Did you finish that other task?" Law asked as he looked at the butler.

"Of course sir, lady [Y/N]'s parents should be here tomorrow morning" the butler once again bowed as he completed his other task.

My eyes widened a bit before I turned to look at Law and Kid who were smirking at me when I looked at them in shock.

"Really?" I asked still shocked that my parents were going to be coming here.

"Yes really" Law said still smirking.

"Besides we still have to meet them, princess" Kid smirked bigger which made me blush.

I walked up to them and hugged them both as they returned the hug holding me close to them tightly.

"I love you both" I said to them with a warm smile.

"We love you too" they both together with warm smiles of their own.

I felt a tug on my hand which made me glance down seeing Kazuma standing their with his big amber eyes looking at me.

"Can you come play with us, mom?" he asked but what he said last caught me off guard when he called me mom which made me smile and have tears building up in my eyes. 

"Of course I'll come play" I said with a big smile that he returned when he took my right hand and then Chiaki took my other hand.

Letting the children leading me outside of the mansion and into the garden to play some games for a while; while Kid and Law watched us from the balcony with smiles on their faces loving the sight that was set before them enjoying a life that should have started like this before it may have taken some years to find [Y/N] against but to be honest the wait was worth it and they wouldn't change it for anything.

Alpha Law x Alpha Kid x Reader (Stranger's Like Me)Where stories live. Discover now