1 [Foggy Memories]

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[A/N: Anyone who lives in England I hope I get things right since I live in the US I know something's about England but not much. Sorry if I get anything wrong :) Enjoy Reading]

I remember watching little animals on strings slowly spin around in a circle as a little tune was playing as they looked like they were dancing. A small smile came to my tiny little baby face as my small baby hands reached out for the little animals; that's when the sound of footsteps came to my ears which made me turn my head. My [E/C] eyes widened and sparkled as I reach out and babbled something in baby talk, seeing amber eyes and grey eyes meet my [E/C] eyes.

Hearing them both chuckle as they stood in front of the right side of the crib, seeing their hands reach through the crib bars I took both my little hands and grabbed onto their hands as I giggled; seeing their smiles was something I remember but never could remember what they looked like; those grey eyes and amber eyes were the only thing I could remember clearly.

"We got you something, [Y/N]" the one with grey eyes spoke to me.

I titled my head wondering what they meant by that, just my confused face made them both chuckle as the amber eyed one reached into his pocket and held something over my head to see it.

My eyes sparkled with wonder seeing a silver chain hold a small looking round object that was silver as its golden flowers formed in the front and back of it. I reached out to it wanting to hold it, it was lowered so my little hands could grab onto it; one of their hands reached in and pushed a button making the silver object pop open showing my little symbols inside as two hands point to the left and the right, I could hear ticking as well like a clock.

I smiled as I clapped my hands together with joy loving this gift even though I didn't understand what it was but I loved it anyways because what baby doesn't love shiny things that make weird sounds. The two boys both chuckled as they watched me with smile on their faces as their eyes filled with such love as they watched me.

My [E/C] eye opened up when I woke up from that same dream I had every time on a certain day, that made me look at what day it was which brought a smile to my face making me jump out of my bed getting dressed for the day putting on a blue T-shirt and some ripped jean shorts, combing my [H/L] [H/C] hair before I opened my bedroom door making my way down the hall and down the stairs until I came to the kitchen with a smile.

Both my parents were there with smiles on their faces as well as they opened their arms as I went over and hugged them both tightly with my smile growing.

"Happy birthday dear" my mother said to me.

"Thank you" I replied with a bigger smile as I looked up at them both as they smiled back at me.

I was turning twenty years old today, I didn't have many friends as I a child but at a young age I was beginning to notice I was different from other children my age, noticing I could hear more things and smell more than them; hell I could even run faster than anyone in the field track of any school. It was strange and my parents thought it would be best that I would stay in the house and around the yard only got the last ten years I have only known what this house held and not what the outside world looked like; only TV and the internet were my only ways to see the outside world of London and more. I know they wanted to protect me but I was hoping that maybe today I could just once go out and see it for myself. See I lived out in the country in a small village of Broad Campden, Gloucestershire in England. It was a nice place that I loved it always was peaceful and with nice people too.

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