2 [Welcome To Beesands]

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[A/N: the house above it the house looking over the ocean sitting on a cliff, it attaches to the beach below as well. But this is the house where [Y/N] will be living for the past ten months]

Yumi's POV

Summer was always my favorite time because it was always warm out and blue skies for me and my siblings to play outside in our big garden outside in the back of the mansion. My father was a doctor a very astonishing one at that as well; my uncle owned many car dealers over the world and repairs cars in his spare time when he was home.

Things used to be fine around here or as fine as it could get for us, when I became older I always noticed the difference between my mother and father along with my uncle; they never really loved her she was just someone who was basically around to have myself and my siblings over the past twelve years I have been living. I know that my father and uncle love each other even though they fought but they still loved each other.

I guess it comes with being two alpha's of two huge packs and being mates for life I guess, but my mother wasn't a mate for life for them both; she left once my little brother Kazuma was born that was six years ago we haven't heard or seen her since, to be honest she wasn't a great mother I doubt she loved us; she'd go out with her friends and come back late into the night drunk or high as a kite. Many fights always broke out between our father's and mother many times in the night or the next morning when they would hear about this. So she just left no goodbye no nothing and I was fine with that I had to be strong for my siblings and take care of them while father and uncle were busy with their businesses.

But today since it was summer that only meant one thing, our governess who was a very nice old elder lady explained everything we needed to know about our clans and what it meant to be a wolf. Once you hit twenty for a man or woman its time for searching for your mate your true one otherwise it'll never work between the two or more partners.

I was in my room doing homework when I remembered what day it was and what was coming. I put down my pencil as I got down from my chair and soon out of my room, I walked down the long hallway in the east side of the house; many of the servants were working around the house keeping it clean and nice like always.

"Mr. Butler sir, where is my father?" I asked our family butler who has been here since the beginning of our family.

"He is in his study, young lady" he answered as he bowed a little bit.

"Thank you" I said as I walked passed him.

I skipped down to the study which was on the first floor of the house, the two big brown doors were in front of me as I stood there. I knocked softly yet loud enough for him to hear me.

"Come in" I heard father say through the doors.

I opened one door and closed it, seeing him leaning in his chair behind his desk reading some sort of file that I think belonged to a person he was treating in the city far from here. I had the same black hair as he did with my mother's green eyes,

"Papa, will our governess Mrs. Bella be looking after us when you and uncle are out for most nights?" I asked right off always being straight forward like he was.

My father sighed as he rubbed his temple like having some bad news for me once I asked him.

"I've gotten a letter from her saying she couldn't make it this years, her daughter is sick and she must watch her grandchildren for the month. I'm sorry I know you like having her around here" he said to me when he looked at me with sorry in his grey eyes.

Alpha Law x Alpha Kid x Reader (Stranger's Like Me)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ