8 [Leaving Is The Hardest]

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[A/N: Italic is you when it comes up, BOLD is Law]

Today was just a stressful one for sure, I was leaving the next morning so I still had time to spend time with Kid, Law and the children. It broke my heart when I know I had to leave for a couple of weeks so that we can be together and get rid of the woman for good. It was going to be nice to see my parents again since it's been a while and I only called them if I wasn't busy so I missed them a lot.

Half of my things were packed up but right now I walked by the living room seeing the children huddled together whispering which was weird as I stood at the door.

"And what are we doing?" I asked crossing my arms together.

They all jumped back like they just got caught stealing a cookie or something which was funny to see their faces like that.

"Nothing, w-we just have something for you, father and papa" Sakamoto said to me trying to be calm.

"I see, shall I go get them?" I asked raising a brow.

They all nodded their heads as they all smiled as well which made me smile and chuckle as I walked out of the living room to go find Law and Kid. Who by chance were talking in Law's office about something about what the main goal is for Ameria and why she wanted to do this.

"The only thing I could understand is she's threated by me being better or being your actual mate" I said when I caught half of the things they were speaking about.

"Tsk! She should be threated, for as long as we known her she never had a true mate to begin with" Kid said as he sat in a chair.

"Do you have most of your stuff packed?" Law asked when he looked at me with a bit of worry and sadness.

"Yes I do..." I said as I sighed.

That's when a box was put in front of my face making me look seeing Kid holding the box in front of me.

"This should be opened once you get back home" Kid said as I took the old and dusty box in my hands.

"Can I get a hint of what's inside?" I asked with a small smile.

He just chuckled at my question which gave me my answer making me pout with a little huff making him laugh out loud.

"You're so mean" I whined being a tease.

His laughing died down when he brought me closer to him giving me a kiss on the forehead which made me smile and blush.

"I know I am" he said with a smile.

"Oh, the children have something to show us; caught them doing something in the living room" I said knowing why I came here before.

"Oh lord" was all Law said making me laugh a bit.

The three of us left the office as we headed back to the living room, we could hear Yuusuke telling everyone that we were coming which just made us chuckle and smile. We just came to the door seeing the children hiding something behind a sheet seeing them smiling.

"And what are you guys hiding?" Law asked with a smirk on his face as he chuckled.

"You have to find out" Yumi said with her smile growing.

We looked at each other with a smile before we walked up to the big sheet that covered something that looked like a frame of some sort. Kid grabbed the sheet, letting it slowly drag off until the painting came into view. Seeing it was a large painting of us all; it was amazing to look at, the painting showed the children standing with smiles, Law was on the left with Yumi, Yuusuke and Miharu with him. Kid stood on the right with Himaru, Sakamoto, Chiaki and Kazuma with him and seeing me in the middle.

Alpha Law x Alpha Kid x Reader (Stranger's Like Me)Where stories live. Discover now