15 [Judgment]

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The light from the sun shined onto the room which made me open my eyes slowly to see the light through the slightly opened drapes, I felt a bit better after I slept a while longer; I felt two bodies on either side of me. Opening my eyes a bit more I saw Law sleeping soundly to my left, I'm sure he really needed it after what happened to me and I know he was mostly up taking care of me; I glanced over my shoulder seeing Kid also sleeping soundly. I couldn't help but smile warmly at the both of them, seeing them like this was nice they looked so peaceful and that nothing was wrong.

My mind couldn't help but wonder what was going to happen today since the elders were speaking about what happened last night, wondering what they'll do to Ameria not that I cared I was just wondering if everything was truly over for all of us and that we'll be able to finally live together forever and that I would be able to see my parents again since its been a long time since I sent any word to them and I know that they were worried about me for sure.

My thoughts were cut short when a gentle knock was heard from the door which made the boys wake up from the knock.

"What?" Kid said in annoyance with his eyes still closed.

"Pops wants you three in the meeting room in ten" Ace's voice came from behind the door.

"Fine" Kid answered back letting out a big sigh since I knew he wanted to sleep a bit longer.

The footsteps of Ace slowly faded away from the door; Law sat up on the bed stretching as he opened his grey eyes. He glanced down at me seeing me up watching them both; leaning down towards me he gave me a gentle kiss on the lips that I returned with a small smile.

"How are you feeling?" Law asked me once our lips separated.

"Better" I said with my smile still there.

"Good" he said as he stood up from the bed.

He glanced over at Kid who had his eyes still closed almost falling back asleep, Law smirked a bit before taking his pillow and throwing it at Kid; I thought it was going to hit him for sure but his hand came right up and caught it which made me giggle a bit when Kid opened one eye glaring at Law.

"Really?" Kid asked trying very hard not to let out a laugh.

"Just making sure your up" Law shrugged almost like he has done this before.

Kid made a 'tsk' as he shook his head; I giggled which brought his attention to me seeing me smile made him smile which was rare mostly. He leaned down and gave me a kiss on my forehead which made me blush when he pulled away.

"You good enough to walk on your own?" Kid asked me once he stood up from the bed as I slowly sat up in bed still feeling a twinge here and there.

"Honestly I don't know" I said truthfully when I leaned back on some pillows.

Alpha Law x Alpha Kid x Reader (Stranger's Like Me)Where stories live. Discover now