14. Seven Deadly Sins : Wrath

Start from the beginning

He nods , "what exactly are you feeling ?"

She scoffs , "what is this ? Fuc*king therapy"

Elizabeth shuffles besides her , "well...besides the fact that he shoots his patients , he is kind of a good therapist . i had a break through with him in like..

Victoria turns to Elizabeth , eyes wide her and mouth slightly parted "...what the fu*k , Elizabeth?"

"Victoria , come on , how long are you going to keep hating him for the wrong reasons?!" Elizabeth snaps "He is the sole reason why Thomas is dead, he is reason i found out about my father , he is the one who's providing me with the means to end my father , he is the reason i have YOU ! he is the reason my abusive brother is in pieces , yes , i admit you murdered him . But wasn't he the one who made you aware of my brother's existence and gave you the assets to deal with him ? I also admit , he is crazy as fu*k , but he gave you the most powerful network to take over the world ! His network . He basically gave you his life's work! "

"He shot you-" Victoria glares at him "He used me and he is using you too! Its what he does!"

" No, Victoria He grazed me, and thank god that he did- at least i found out how much of an abusive fu*k of a husband i had at the hospital. Who was more worried about his job title than my own well being ! He brought Thomas , the man-might i remind you-used you , drained you of your fervour , to his demise! Stop throwing childish fits in the form of murder. You killed the red head women because you were jealous , own up to it !"

"no- i did it because she killed Carmon , you saw how-"

"i know you Victoria , You like it quick and clean a gun would've gotten you the same results , you practically dismembering her was a crime of passion."

Victoria looks at her stunned , jaw hanging.

Lucas is amused at her outburst of confidence , " Vincent taught you well-"

"And you , shut the fu*k up " she turns to Lucas points a finger at him , "-you're no better either-you need to stop killing people just because you're jealous! Carmon did nothing wrong , he did not deserve what you did to him , you had no reason to kill him besides the fact that he slept with Victoria and you couldn't take it, you got engaged to another women just to make her jealous , get a damn grip , Mr. Zavier "

"you know i could have you killed for that , right?"

Elizabeth glares at him, "You can't kill the dead ,Lucas. I died the day my child did. But Carmon however did not deserve the brutality you imposed on him because of your own jealousy . He was a good man."

Lucas now laughs , humorlessly "i admire your ferocity and yes , you're right Ms. Cushing , he was a good man , a little too good perhaps"

"what do you mean...?" Victoria speaks now , unable to handle all the word-full blows of truth thrown at her , Elizabeth however tilts her head in genuine curiosity.

"you're an intelligent women ,Victoria. You know that i don't waste time on people that don't threaten or facilitate my plan. I thought you figured it out but since you didn't-" He lowers his hand and picks up a brown suitcase under his seat , extends it towards Victoria "Have a look"

Hurriedly she grasps the suitcase and fanatically opens it , scanning through the pages and photos of her repressed fondness towards the blonde haired man the words 'FBI' and 'Agent' are the only prominent points of her focal point , at parties , dressed in attire that scream betrayal , but only one catches her eyes , its chapel , a blond women in a wedding dress with the a stolen joy on her face, holding hands with the man Victoria slept with a day ago and now who lies in a room with his throat slit.

The only downside of wrath is that it ends in tears.

The weight of being betrayed crushes her as a sore lump forms in her throat and a dark pit of dejection settles down in her stomach , she didn't expect to fall in love with the man , but the least she could have was hope . And the suitcase that lay in her lap was slowly striping every layer of her the trust she put in Carmon. She exhales , as the hope she had feels like its been gutted inside out. Her slightly hazy with the tears forming .

It happened again.

Thomas and now Carmon.

And it is at that moment she realizes that , no one can ever had genuine intentions towards a criminal. Disgust crawls up on her spine like a snake looking for its prey , her brain shuts off for a minute and her hands shake , its only until Elizabeth places a hand on her vibrating knee. Her own blurry eyes are met with Elizabeth's kind ones.

He was right , and the hardest part was accepting that he always is.

Elizabeth embraces her tightly , Victoria rests her chin on her shoulder blades feeling a hand caressing her hair. No further words are exchanged , Lucas is silent and the only thing heard in the plane was hushed sniffs and the dull droning of the engine.

Elizabeth pulls away , a few strands of black hair sticks to her ears , holding her cheeks she caresses them with her thumb and smiles sadly "you're stronger than the people who betray you , Vic."

Gently heaving her hands away from her cheeks , Elizabeth gets up and strides towards the back pack. Drawing out the hard drive she walks over to Lucas and hands it to him . His face is neutral , as he takes it. His eyes not meeting Victoria as she watches the silent transfer of her artwork.

Victoria lowers her head filled with doubts self loathing , she digs her heels into the carpeted floor of the plane and mutters an 'excuse me' and pushes herself off- into standing position of the couch.

Making her way to the bathroom , through the familiar plane.


She turns to the source of the voice , Elizabeth narrows her eyes pryingly.

"what do i always tell you?"

Victoria nods subtly and closes the door behind her. Hearing muffled conversation between him and Elizabeth.

"What do always you tell her?"

"she knows"

"are you always this mysterious or is it all a front?"

Lucas chuckles, "its comes with the package"

"by the way...why slit his throat ? all bloody and gruesome? Couldn't you just....i don't know-poisoned him or something?"

"well i didn't slit his throat , i only ordered it.....besides its poetic drama"

"ah...so the spilled blood represents the spilled lies ? that came form his...throat ? "

"well....you could interpret it like that or as Wordsworth would say..."

Victoria drags her head out of their squabbling of questionable methods of murder and eighteenth century poets . Shifting her focus to her refection , the side of her head is now bandaged up and her face is considerably clean , lifting up her shirt she traces the violet marks from Amy's spiteful blows .

Amy's dried up blood sticks to the jut of her collar and cheekbones like a bad memory and her finger nails covered in Carmon's blood like a bad trip of defenseless insecurities . Thinking about the two bodies they left in Moscow , Carmon and Amy.

Both of them victims of a sentimental falling.

Taking off her clothes she glances at the fancy looking shower head , stepping into the warm water she feels the burn of her bruises and mistakes as light steam covers at her feet she remembers Lucas's words.

The ones he would always tell her-

'sentiments are more dangerous than an AK-47'

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