Hellblazer and Primak Movie 5#: Mistress of Death Within the Rings Part 2

Start from the beginning

Shopkeeper:" Hmmm..... Take the mirror. It's yours." he said as he gave the relic to Y/n.

Y/n:" You would give me such a valuable thing as a gift?" she asked a bit surprised by the Shopkeeper kindness to such an extent.

Shopkeeper:" I would. I have a feeling you haven't received many gifts so far your hardships, and it pleases me to improve that balance. Also, I fully expect to go to Hell one day, and that would be a situation where I would be glad to be owed a favor by the Goddess of Death....." he said as both of them then laughed in amusement as Ishtar gulped.





Ishtar and Y/n then came out of the shop as Ishtar tried to talk to Y/n.

Ishtar:" Ummmm..... Beloved Mistress, I-" she was then interrupted by Y/n.

Y/n:" Let's take a ship, you have to sleep." she said before she noticed her creatures of the Night snarling and growling as the soldiers of the Kingdom had their weapons pointed at them.

Y/n put an hand to her chin and raised an eyebrow.

Captain:" We will have no truck with mystics or demons. You will get out of the city right now, or face the consequences." he said.

Y/n:"............ I intended to. I am walking to the port to find a ship right now, my apprenctice isn't like me so she needs to rest." she said with an humble tone as the Captain refused.

Captain:" No. You will leave the city." he said.

Y/n:" Yes, by boat." she said with an humble tone as she went to lead Ishtar away only for the guards to sorround them.

Captain:" One more word and you will die, and then your monsters. Move!!" he yelled as the monsters growled and snarl at the humans.

Y/n raised an eyebrow and looked at the humans in empathy.

Y/n:" I was spoiled by an act of kindness in this city.....And so I attempted to be reasonable, honest and peaceful. It was stupid to expect, anything other than hate from you. I won't make the same mistakes as I did in the past.......  If I had done what I'm about to do unlike in my previous life as one of you perhaps I would've still be the woman I once was.... Feeling the heart beating on my chest...... More bodies to add to the army...... You're Captain so I guess.... You're pretty strong....." she said with a creepy smile carving on her red lips as she snapped her fingers as her creatures of the Night caused great havoc as Ishtar was witnessing it all.

Ishtar:( From this day forward......... I'll become the wings that will make my Goddess rise up above the Heavens....) she thought in her head as she decided that she will dedicate her life to Y/n for the rest of her days on this world, it didn't matter if she was part of a fairy tale, her committment for the person that saved Her was going beyond the Walls of paper.






A man was now seen drinking a whole bottle of wine and sitting on the chair of his ship.

???:" Ahh... Bored. Hurry your arses up! I'm bored and I want to be going somewhere." he told his crewmates, meaning he was the Captain of the ship.

The Captain then scoffed as he trew the bottle of wine into the sea after realizing it was empthy.

???:" Even though we're sailing somewhere old and visited often and boring...... at least we'll be sailing somewhere." he said before noticing Y/n covering her body using her cloak as Ishtar was wearing a cloak she had found from one of the victims as both women had their hoods on.

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