Chapter 11-4

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Broken dishes littered the floor. Aaliyah, Ghita, and Cyliane were all entrenched in a corner of the living room, transformed in a state of siege. Camilia threw herself on me, visibly overwhelmed by the situation. Shocked by the scene taking place under my eyes, I didn't hear what she was saying to me. A sort of buzzing sound filled my ears. The bodyguards I had seen that morning were on their feet, blocking the way to anyone who wanted to intervene. Yeraz, his features distorted by rage, kicked Hadriel--who was already down--in the stomach. The poor man screamed in pain. It was at that moment that my hearing returned.

"Let him go!" yelled his mother.

I rushed towards Yeraz, but the two giants got in the way. Furious, I slapped one of them in the face.

"It's you who provoked this!" I yelled. "You came to tell him about Caleb, didn't you?"

The tattooed man glanced at his colleague. Neither of them answered me. Hadriel's screams continued to echo against the walls. I grabbed a bottle of champagne from the table and threw it in the face of the man with sunken cheeks. The latter bent in two and put his hands on his head. I took advantage of the moment to force my way through and managed to slip in just in time between Hadriel and Yeraz before he punched him again.


Yeraz, in a kind of trance and sweating, froze. His shirt was pulled out of his pants and the sleeves were rolled up over his forearms. The veins under his skin stood out. He stepped back and wiped his mouth with his wrist.

"Get out of here!" he shouted at me.

"Or what?"

His black eyes stared at me with insolence. The coldness of his tone surprised me. I gathered all my courage to face him. For a second, I thought he was letting his guard down, but then his jaw clenched again. I swept the room. Camilia and the girls observed the scene, holding their breaths. I closed my eyes, reopening them a few moments later. I knew the true nature of his anger without really understanding it, but I had to intervene as soon as possible to defuse it.

"Nothing happened with Caleb!"

Yeraz rubbed his eyes roughly before pointing his finger at me.

"You're just like the others, Ronney. A money-grubbing bitch."

I opened my mouth, outraged, destabilized by these words. What the hell was wrong with him?

"You're the one just like the others!" I retorted, out of my mind. "I'm not your 'thing.' If nothing happened with Caleb tonight, it's only because his behavior disgusts me, just like yours."

I pushed him hard, but hit a wall of muscle. This argument in front of his family was getting really embarrassing.

I took a deep breath to try to regain my composure and then said in a calmer voice, "Can we finish this conversation somewhere else? I'm exhausted from fighting with you all the time."

"Exhausted? You've been lounging around for days. You don't know what being tired is, Ronney. You don't manage anything!"

Irritated by his words, I raised my hands helplessly above me.

"You're right, I don't know. I'm going home, Yeraz. Do what you want, I don't care. It's none of my business. Fuck you!"

Camilia tried to hold me back, but I didn't want to stay any longer. All this drama exhausted me. I knew that I would be summoned in the next few hours or days to explain the relationship I had with her son. How was I going to justify myself? I had no idea what to call this strange relationship with him. There was everything and nothing between us at the same time.

Ugly Ronney: mafia romance [English]Where stories live. Discover now