Chapter 8-7

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Mrs. Torres joined me at the buffet, where I went straight for dessert. Taking advantage of the fact that we were both alone, she talked to me.

"Hello, Ronney. Hey, that's a good-looking male you got there."

My face turned to the small woman with puffy gray hair. Her face drowned under a layer of makeup, barely allowing a glimpse of her facial expressions. Mrs. Torres was around sixty years old and had already been married five times. It seemed that tonight, this cougar, shiny like a disco ball, had set her sights on Mr. Khan. I would have put her in his path to get me out of his grip, but my brother's presence made it difficult.

"I always said you'd find the right fit. Just goes to show, looks aren't everything! This will put an end to all the customers who thought you would never find a good match."

I glanced at her. It took all my concentration not to let my annoyance show on my face.

She continued, "What do you like to do together?"

The slice of chocolate cake arrived on my plate a little abruptly. I was getting really annoyed. I answered, articulating each word, "We fuck, Mrs. Torres!"

The woman, outraged by my words, opened her mouth and put a hand on her chest as if to prevent a heart attack.

"Yeah, like animals. All day long, and it's a blast!"

I turned around and went back to my seat, leaving a horrified Mrs. Torres standing there.

"You're going to just miss Gabriella's birthday?" my brother said as I sat back down.

I looked at him with wide eyes, not understanding.

"Giovanni just told me about his business trip. You're going with him for three days to the island of Los Cabos, and you weren't going to tell us anything!"

My brother told me this news with a loud exclamation. I looked into Yeraz's eyes. My blood pressure rose suddenly. I let out a strange little laugh.

"No, it's not in the program."

"Sweetheart, I need you. You know I don't speak Spanish."

Don't call me that! While I was glaring at him, he was watching me with a triumphant smile on his lips. What a scumbag! I stabbed my fork into my cake with a little too much energy.

"Ronney was thrilled by the news. Getting away from here will do her a lot of good."

Yeraz wouldn't let me say a word. With a defeated look on my face, I could hardly get my piece of cake down my throat. The thought of spending three days with him and having to endure his admonitions was already depressing.

My mother and father chose this moment to come and greet my bastard of a boyfriend. They were so happy about the relationship and always praised Yeraz when I visited them, alone, at the restaurant after work.

He became more animated during the family conversation than he had been in the past few weeks. I found myself caught in his net once again.

The evening ended with laughter and loving hugs. I couldn't wait for this charade to end. I would have a lot more to tell Bergamote and Alistair tomorrow night, up on the roof.

Outside, the cool breeze seeped under my clothes, sending a shiver down my spine. Finally alone with him, I could let myself go.

"Los Cabos? Are you really serious?"

"Don't start. If I had a choice, I would have chosen someone else."

I and waved my arms in the air.

"Take someone else and leave me alone! I don't want to go anywhere with you."

"It's a Mexican island. I have to be accompanied by someone who speaks Spanish."

"Hire a translator!"

"Do your fucking job. You're coming with me and there's nothing to discuss."

The icy anger in his voice froze me on the spot.

"I'll take it up with Camilia."

A short laugh, loaded with bitterness, escaped from him.

"If you don't come, it will be Ashley. Trust me, my mom's choice will be made quickly."

We stared at each other for a long time, like two cowboys. I was getting colder and colder. I decided to call it a day. I shoved my hands in my pockets and walked away from Yeraz. Unfortunately, he caught up with me and grabbed my arm to force me to turn around. My eyes welled up with tears. He stepped back with a startled movement.

"I'm so tired of fighting with you," I said.

My voice trembled. Yeraz seemed suddenly remorseful. His breath seemed to hang in his throat for a moment.

"I am, too. You're the one who doesn't want to give up this job, and I made you a promise. I'm never going back on it. See you tomorrow."

With a soul-splitting sigh, I had to accept the idea of spending one more Saturday with him.

He raised the collar of his jacket and said before going his own way, "Isaac is waiting for you on the corner. He'll drive you home."

The tone of hisvoice, tinged with a guilty glow, echoed in my head. In the distance, hisominous silhouette stood out in the darkness of the moonless night.

Ugly Ronney: mafia romance [English]Where stories live. Discover now