Chapter 2-6

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I stood transfixed in the middle of the spacious entrance hall of the medieval castle-like mansion. A huge ivory staircase, with two flights, went to the second floor. I was captivated by this place full of poetry and grandeur.

"Miss Jimenez?"

Yeraz's distant voice suddenly brought me back to the present moment.

In the living room, richly furnished with fine period furniture that opened onto a huge garden terrace, Mr. Khan was pouring himself a glass of scotch. He was watching the latest stock market figures on the television screen, as well as the news feed.

"Did Ashley give you my appointment schedule?"

"Yes, I have it with me."

"Cancel them all and reschedule them within the week."

I scanned the schedule with my eyes in a hurry.

"But you have very little availability this week. Your days are overloaded. There is not even--"

I looked up as I heard the young man's footsteps coming toward me. His orderly, confident gait seemed to be holding back from jumping at my throat.

"Do you think I have time to waste? What good are you to me if you can't do what I ask? Don't bother me anymore with your stupid analyses!"

The harshness in his voice was threatening. The measured slowness of it was tinged with an ominous quietness. An arrogant sneer appeared on the corner of his lips. I blinked and stood in front of him, fluttering my eyelids, not knowing what to do at that moment. This man was scaring the hell out of me, and if nothing had been holding me back, I would have left right then and there and never looked back. I looked at the glass of scotch. Wasn't it too early to start drinking? Or too late? It all depended on how you looked at it. Was Yeraz an alcoholic as well as a dangerous man?

"It helps me to be able to look at you and tolerate you around me."

He had guessed my thoughts with such ease that I was stunned. Yeraz turned to sit on the corner sofa, in front of the modern fireplace that ran along the wall. It stood out against the mix of old and new decor.

"You can settle down in the next room. I've seen enough of you. Send the emails. Then we'll go to San Diego. I have...something to settle there."

His head fell back heavily, and then he closed his eyelids, exhausted. I realized that the subject was closed and that I should not risk asking him a single question. Yet I had thousands in mind.

In the next room, the midnight blue walls gave a soft hue to this clean and tidy place. Through the windows, I could make out a sumptuous swimming pool in the distance, surrounded by lush vegetation in a setting worthy of a fairy tale.


Deep in thought, I didn't hear Ashley enter.

"Thank God!" I exclaimed in relief.

The whites of her eyes were yellowish and her features were tired. I had woken her from her sleep a few moments earlier to tell her of my dismay. Although exhausted, she was a perfect beauty without any mistake in her outfit.

"Ashley, I'm so sorry, but Yeraz doesn't want to know or understand that what he's asking me is simply impossible."

My assistant put her Mac on the table along with her expensive leather purse and gave me a disapproving look.

"You can't ask Mr. Khan for anything. Just do what he asks, which includes getting him the moon if he asks for it!"

"But life is made of limits, of--"

"Not for people like him! Timothy and I are here to help you with your duties. It's together that we will find solutions."

I sat down at the table and took my head in my hands.

"I'll never be able to do it."

"You have no choice, Ronney. You've just entered a world where sharks will gladly feast on you."

The young woman tapped on her computer, then turned the screen in my direction.

"This is Mr. Khan's schedule for the week. Are you ready for this Chinese puzzle?"

I nodded and sighed. Ashley grabbed a pen and paper and we started moving and rearranging the dozens of appointments on Yeraz's schedule. Thank goodness Ashley was there. I was feeling really pathetic around her. Why wasn't she the one in this position, instead of me? Indeed, she seemed to be doing great.

Ugly Ronney: mafia romance [English]Where stories live. Discover now