Chapter 6:- First Meeting.

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"So will you tell me who is Namjoon...? How you meet that Namjoon guy?"

I rubbed my palm nervously,
"How I should start...I don't know!"

"Okay take your time, I'm not going to catch flight." he chuckled.

"Umm I know, don't laugh." And then I started narrating.


So Its was two years back when Mi lee was only one and a half years old we decided to send her to a kindergarten school, there she can make friends, she can play and learn things, can enjoy with other children  too.

It was evening, I looked for some snacks but my fridge was unfortunately empty then I drove to my nearest grocery shop. I parked my car in the parking lot and entered the shop.

There I took some cereals, cornflakes, some dry fruits and cupcake which Mi lee like the most. Then I went to put vegetables into my cart. I headed to the cold and frost area to gather some butter, cheese and milk too, but the milk bottles were in such a height I couldn't reach, I jumped several times and stretch my hand as much as possible but...

"I hate my height!"

Suddenly a long muscular hand I saw from the corner of my eye which took the milk bottles and handed to me. I threw a thank you smile and he gave me a mention not look.

I went to the cash counter to pay the bill and that man with broad muscular arms stood behind me.
After paying I headed to the parking lot then I drove straight to my home.

(That was my first meeting with him.)

Two months has been passed since I met him and those two months went pretty well. Mi lee enjoyed going to her new play school, I worked peacefully in my office and Jackson seems to be the same as before.

But about that person I met in the grocery shop two months ago, was like a breeze that blew and past away.

I didn't see him in these two months in any place, not even in the grocery shop, but why am I so bothered? He is just a stranger who helped me.

But not every stranger is danger, some one are just like him...

I escorted Mi lee from her play school and drop her home then I head to my office. Usually Jackson receive her from school but today he left early.

~~At my office~~

I entered my boss's meeting room today, we are having a vital meeting this afternoon with him. Every one greeted me with a smile and I Mirror them the same smile. I took my seat beside Jimin, one of the co-workers in our company. He whispered into my ears,

"Boss is angry. Our share market again fall for the same reason. We are having a loss of 3.4million, our company is running out of money and we have to make up the loss as soon as possible otherwise our company will demolish soon ."

"I don't know how we will make up this huge amount?". One of the co- workers said to both of us.

Then suddenly our boss shouted at his top of his lungs, which break our conversation.

"MR.PARK JIMIN, MR. KIM BUM, MR.KIM.KIM HYUNG JONGand MRS. LEE ARIANA". He emphasised our name and we four stood up from our chair.

"You four are most experienced and one of the best marketing line officers and so you four have to take the responsibility to make up the loss with in six months, and as you know we are running out of money. We have to sell our one of the Resort in Seoul. I hope you guys will never let our company as well as my name down."
We stood silently as he said,
"Thank you. You may go to your work now."

Our Boss took his blazer and left the room silently.

When he was saying those sentences we four were exchanging glances.
The other workers are chit chatting about the idea of selling the Resort which we build five years ago and that was the most expensive Resort in whole South Korea.

Then everyone left that meeting room except four of us.

"Six months...? Is he carzy? he definitely lost his mind!" Kim Bum said.

"It is not possible guys!No way. Do we look broker to him?" Jimin cried.

"Everything thing is possible if we do it with dedication. We have to do it at any cost for our boss and as well as for our company's name, don't be hopeless or anything, last year we four had done the same to sell off our shares within weeks so why not now? We can do it. "

Letting out a small smile I exited the room as well.

"She is right anyway, after all it's our own company, we were working here since years. We took this company in this level and now it's our duty to save the impression" Hyung Joong said.

3 weeks later.

We only four were in the meeting room sitting on our chairs and Jimin is chatting with Mr.Kim. I was going to take a sip of my coffee suddenly someone opens the door wide enough to enter a sumo wrestler.

We four stood up from our chairs and greeted the two men who  entered the room..It was our boss and I think I know this man with muscular hands who helped me by taking the milk bottles from the fridge at a huge height where I couldn't reach!

" So guys he is Mr Kim Namjoon. The Managing Director of RKive Industries". He is here to sign a deal with our company and to buy our Resort too. He offerd us the double amount we wannted, so I have decided to sign the property papers infornt of you people as witness." Our boss Mr. Kim Jin was smiling a lot today.

"Please take your seats guys. We are  going to be business partners from now, our companies are collaborating to make up the loose that your company is having." Kim Namjoon said softly with a smile revealing his dimples for the first time.

He is so gorgeous. For the first time I'm watching him fully from his head to toe. His perfectly back brushed hairs, his deep black eyes, his smile with dimple, his broad shoulder, his muscular arms and rings in his fingers are really gorgeous, I can't take my eyes off. He came straight here from heaven. He is an angel.

I was watching him peacefully but suddenly Jimin shook me and distracted me. Actually he brought me into reality. I started day dreaming.

"Hey why are you standing like a Statue? He said every one to take a seat! You sit too." Jimin said with a concern.

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