Chapter 5. Run off To You

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That Night... Minnie's house..

Author's POV

Minnie was walking back and forth biting her fingernails while her other hand was on the phone.

She was calling Jimin but he wouldn't answer.

She also texted him a couple of times but no replies.

She sat down on the edge of her bed and pondered on where he might be.

Until she heard a loud knock on the window.

She slid it open, and Jimin jumped inside just in time.

"Where have you been?! I kept calling you." Minnie raised her voice.

"I'm sorry I wasn't able to answer your phone calls." Jimin said straight up.

"If you keep doing this...I wouldn't be able to reach you! You didn't even tell me where you went off to? You were suddenly gone at the festival!"Minnie shouted at him.

"Oh please! I didn't go anywhere!"Jimin held his hair in frustration.

"Then where did you run off to? Huh? Did you see another girl? Do you think I'll just be one of your toys, Huh?" Minnie said angrily as she paced back and forth

"Don't jump to conclusions jebal...I wouldn't do that to you"

"Then why can't you tell me where you went off to?!"

"You know what? Let's just breakup.. I couldn't handle your possessiveness." Jimin said before walking further and jumping down from the window.

Minnie crouched down and held her hair,feeling so mad at him.

Jimin's POV

I can't believe she'd think of me like that.

She's the first girl that I've cherished, Among our group of friends, I'm truly attracted to her.

And now this is what happens.

This is just one of the reasons why I used to hate commitment.

But if it was Lisa's wish that I'd commit to somebody..then why not?

But how can I ever commit in this situation?

I walked down the streets and called the person that I always run off to.

My bestest buddy...Lisa

"Hello?"She asked on the other line.

I managed to weakly smile.

"Hey already went home right? Can we meet each other?"

"What? Yah Park Jimin... Why?"

"Let's just the café resto near your house."

Lisa's POV

Aigoo, I'm already in my sleepwear and he called right in the middle of the night!

What is his problem anyway?

I grabbed my long coat to cover my sleep wear underneath and brought my wallet together with my phone.

It was just a short distance so I rode my bike.

The moment I arrived there, I stepped inside and saw him on one corner.

He was holding a cup of beer and shaking it.

"Yah stop that..."I walked towards him and pulled away the glass from his hand.

I then sat across him.

"Minnie....she broke up with me."

"What? Why?"

"She was mad that I wasn't able to answer her calls. Such a petty reason."

"Jimin..maybe she's just so worried about you."

"Or maybe she's too possessive..."Jimin said drunkly.

"You know what? I think it's best I'll send you home." Lisa stood up and helped him stand up.

This time,they managed to walk out the café and Lisa was struggling as she let Jimin's arm wrap around her.

They started waiting for a taxi but only a few cars pass by.

"Lisa...just let me go.. I'm fine."Jimin said

Then Lisa let his arm unwrap from her shoulder.

Jimin stood in place and Lisa could really smell that he reek of alcohol.

"Lisa...I know I shouldn't do this but...."Jimin pulled Lisa closer to him,he wrap his arm around her waist.

Then his lips went on hers,he bit her lower lip asking for access and Lisa was only frozen,her eyes was staring straight ahead.

He was kissing her in an aggressive manner.

Lisa's POV

I couldn't understand this ..

Is this even reality? Or am I just dreaming. kissing me.

I couldn't dare to kiss him back as I was too surprised.

And it just hit me...

I couldn't do this to Minnie.

She's my friend.

I couldn't betray her like this.

I tried pushing Jimin away but he would only kiss me even more.

This time I pushed him away harder.

Making him back away.

He held his lips and I could feel my lips throbbing.

Luckily there was a taxi, so I hailed it.

We both went inside and he laid down on my lap.

Then I heard him murmur things..

And most importantly the words:

I wish it was you....

|End of Chapter|

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