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Amelia's pov:
They put us blindfolds and hold our hands
-Please don't let me fall- I said walking slowly, minutes later we arrived and I hear the sound if the waves
-Are we on the beach?- Zona asked excited, they took off our blindfolds and we see a heart of candles and rose petals with a table in the middle if all
-Surprise!!- they yelled in sync
-Omg guys this is amazing!
-Thank you -Zona said hugging them
-You deserve even more, you're the best moms- Luke said and Sofia and Scout nodded in agreement, at that moment we were about to cry
-No crying! Enjoy your dinner and don't worry about us- Sofia said and we nodded, they left and we sat in front of each other
-They're amazing- I whispered
-Yes, they are- Zona smiled, I took her hand and kissed it softly
We took dinner and sat on the sand, Zona was resting her body against mine while I stroke her hair
-We should do this often- she giggled
-Go to dates?- I asked and she nodded- you know what I miss about our dates?
-What?- she said turning to face me
-This- I wake up and carried ger bride style
-Meliaa- she said laughing- you're crazy
-A crazy who loves you- I said giggling, when we arrived to our bedroom, I laud me her in the bed and started taking off her clothes

Arizona's pov:
I wake up with Amy naked in my arms, I can't believe how this woman makes my skin bristle with every touch even we she did that million times it still happen
-Good morning my love- I said pecking her lips
-Good morning wifey- she smiled
We prepared and order room service, today we're going to the pool so we have time
-I'll message them now- Amy said but I just stare- earth to Zona- she said laughing
-I'm sorry... I...- I put my hands around ger waist and kissed her- you're stunning
-So you are- she kissed me back
-That bathing suit... - I kissed her neck- drives me crazy
-I'd love to do this all day but we have to go
We went downstairs holding hands
-I'll get some drinks- I pecked her lips before leaving
-I'll be there- she said pointing at a chair next to the pool and I nodded smiling.
I was ordering our drinks when I feel someone staring at me so I turned around expecting to be Amy but no...

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