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Link's pov:
We arrived to the hospital and all the team was already there, they pulled Amelia into trauma room 2 so I followed her
-Hey Link we need to check on you- Owen said once I got into the room
-No, I'm fine...is just her, save her please- they started to check on her, they removed her jacket and suddenly I saw small but visible hickeys all over her neck... She didn't have them when we arrived to the bar...
I was thinking about it when they said she needed surgery as soon as possible cause she has some brain lesions
-You need to call Koracick- I said- he's one of the best and she needs the best- even if I was mad at the tough she cheated on me I want her alive...
-Okay then- Owen answered and they paged Tom who arrived in 5 minutes since he was near the hospital

Arizona's pov:
I was still crying into the attendings room when Maggie came and said that Amelia needed brain surgery and they paged Koracick
-He's working on her and everything seems fine...
-Thank you...for updating me- I said sobbing
-You're welcome... Arizona can I ask you something?
-Of course- I answered
-Teddy can you leave us alone please?- Teddy nodded and left the room
-What is it?- I answered looking at her
-Why you care so much about her...?- that's a good question, we didn't even talk the last week until today...
-I...I might love her..., I know it's crazy but I have a crush on her since we worked on Herman's case and...
-You can tell anything you know?
-When I first came back here I found Amelia trying to sleep into an on-call room so I invited her to my house...since that day we spent all our night's together
-Oh... that's why she was so happy those days...
-What do you mean? - I asked confused
-Amelia semmed so happy those days we tough she was back with Link... I think she has feelings for you Arizona...- she said smiling
-I don't know... She's back with Link and they have a kid together
-Yeah, maybe but she's not as happy as she is with you... Didn't you noticed she was off the last week?
-Yes and it's all my fault
-Why do you say it?- I was about to answer when Teddy came into the room
-Sorry to interrupt, I just wanted to update you... She's out of surgery. There was a bleeding and they got it under control but...
-BUT?-I said freaking out
- They don't know if she's waking up or when- I started crying again... What if I don't get to tell her how much I love her Teddy hugged me tightly
- I want to see her- I said sobbing
-Link is with her but let's go...- Teddy answered
- No... I'll wait
-We're going together so no one supects, okay? - Maggie said rubbing my back
-Thank you...

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