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Amelia's pov:
I woke up and got ready for work, today I wanna talk to Link but all the things he said... Maybe I should wait until he talks to me first
Maggie, Mer and I arrived to the hospital and went to the attendings room
-So...are you going to talk with Link?- Mer asked
-I don't know...maybe I should wait until he apologize about what he said
-It's your decision and support you- Maggie smiled
-Thank you guys but I have surgery so I should go- in this case I have to work with ortho which is not the best idea...
I scrub in and then Link came into the OR, he didn't say a word and started working.
-This is awkward-Stephanie whispered so only I can hear her
-Shut up- I said and continued working
When we finished the surgery I was scrubbing out between Link and Edwards
-Edwards can you give us a minute?-Link asked turning on my direction, Edwards left the room and we kept in silence for a moment
-So...?- I asked impatient
-Amelia I'm so sorry, I'm an idiot and I should've believed you... Please let's get back I promise this time is going to work
-You don't have to answer now - Maybe I should forgive him, I mean he's a good guy and I have to stop thinking about Zona
-I forgive you, let's get back together- he smiled and gave a kiss but while he was kissing me I was thinking about Zona, this can't be possible... She doesn't even love me!
After that I went to find Mer and Maggie and tell them the news

Arizona's pov:
It was my break so I went to the cafetería and sat with Richard and Teddy
-Hey guys, what are you talking about?
-Nothing just that Shepherd is back with Link- I knew it! Of course she was going to do that, she loves him...
-You sure?- I asked a little sad hoping it was just a rumor
-Yeah, Amelia told Mer and Maggie and they told me- Richard said, suddenly I feel I'm about to cry
-Sorry, I have to go- I said and walked away as fast as I could, I was going to an on-call room when I saw Amelia kissing Link, I was so mad that I didn't even notice when I grabbed her hand and pulled her into the on-call room and locked the door
-So you're back with him now? - I said almost crying
-Why do you care? Go and be with Callie
-Amelia please it was a mistake
-A mistake? You didn't pull away
-Amelia...- a tear rolled down my cheek
-No! Don't Amelia me, to you I was just one more girl you slept with
-No, that's not true!
-I don't wanna listen to you- she said and left the room I just stayed there crying...I lost her and it's all my fault

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